Thursday, February 12, 2015

Well this *is* exciting.

Did you know there's an actual term for dudes that want to look like ripped athlete's or p0rn stars (versus the mega buff body-builder heroes and wrestlers of the 80's) and they're called "Spornosexual's"?  I think my old man would call them vain or even worse: "Cream Puffs".  (My old man used to rip on my affinity for hitting the weights.  Usually when breaking my back doing manual labor for him, like uprooting trees with a metal pry bar or sawing through a backyard apple tree- not with a chainsaw or appropriate tool...but with a small triangle saw.  "THAT'S how you get MAN MUSCLES, Mikey!!!  NOT from the Nautilus or whatever jungle gym you play on at the Y!!!"

In other news, do Nautilus...Nautilii...are they even around any more?  I remember we had to go through a 2 hour training session just to use the stupid crap, and the equipment was treated with the kind of reverence reserved for delicate antiquaries.  Ironic.)

Where was I?  Oh yes...marriage...

To my Waffle Wedded Wife

It's pretty comical (to me) that 10 years after starting this here old blog- a blog which was originally set to document 1st time homeownership (primarily) and other frass (calling myself dysmorphic nicknames/lifting weights) that I'd be using it as a pulpit with which to announce my engagement to my newest roommie Ranch.  The whole story is more fun when told in person, and there's a library of photos out on FB, but to sum up:  A few weeks back she made me laugh a lot over dinner.  I'd been sitting on the ring for a couple months "waiting for the right moment" (ouch), and while we were joking over the dinner table...she called me on my bullshit.  And so very casually?  I asked her.  She didn't say "Yes" right away, she actually said "Are you SERIOUS?!?!" to which I told her I probably had the receipt for it somewhere before she pulled it away from me in a very protective manner.
Something like this...hey hey hey LOVE YA, HONEY! 

Anyway, surprise!  Right?  Considering my hardline stance in opposition of my getting married for nearly 10 years, (as well as speaking up for the rights of *everyone* being able to get married.) the surprise was mainly on me.  But that's neither hither nor thither at this point.  What in the natural f#ck did that opening paragraph have to do with the fact that we basically planned our wedding/venue/guest lists/catering in what can only be considered a world record?  (10 days from the engagement, friends.  BOOM! Adding to the list of other bullshit I occasionally get called on*, my request to "enjoy" our engagement for a few weeks before going wedding crazy was vetoed in lieu of taking care of the practical matters- such as the aforementioned venue/caterer which apparently can be hard as hell to secure in advance. 

I surprised myself further by agreeing to take care of that business sooner rather than later- effectively stifling my normal foot-draggishness, and we pretty much had it nailed down by February 1st.  So?  My advice, which is cobbled from other's advice?  Give yourself a 6 month window from when you propose so you don't overthink it, keep things local, and occasionally give in to closing your eyes and jumping.  Occasionally.)  So yeah.  We got the date we decided on through a miracle.  They told us there were people planning to use the venue into 2017!!!
Pictured: What happened to me when talking about how much a wedding photographer can cost, as well as pricing out some more "popular" Twin City venues.  It's a racket, is what I'm saying.  And a place that sounds like the "Pill Smitty Peuseum" will attempt to bankrupt you before you say "I do".  The more you know...

Well...Like I mentioned last month I've re-examined some fitness/health goals of mine.  And while I'm not groom-zilla, both the fiancĂ©e and I have agreed to do this *thing* together and whip ourselves into shape.  She knows about my desire to take the stress off of my heart, blood pressure, and body and lose 30 pounds (it's necessary), and she told me she'd like to lose weight in order to feel good on our magic day.  The caveat?  Is that what we do to get there has to be sustainable. 

As you know, I started walking while I was at work back in October.  You'll be pleased to know I've maintained that- in spite some extreme temperature dips.  (It took some mental prep.  Below zero isn't a time of year you wanna schlep outside, especially with slippery ground.)  The second step was a doozy since it meant I needed to re-examine the kind of fuel I put in my body.  Like I said before, it was just too much.  Not necessarily *bad*, just *a lot*.  Which- if this seems familiar to you-stop it:  I was putting away a take-out box from the buffets probably twice a week.  Not to mention going back for 2nds at dinner nightly.  Portion control, as it turned out, wasn't as bad as I thought.  As was stopping myself from leaving the office to get food over lunch.  (A 20 minute power walk has taken it's place.)  I 86'd the 3...5... okay FINE!!!  Up to 8 hardboiled eggs I was munching at breakfast with something a trifle more responsible.

My arsenal to take the edge off.
Lunch is a pretty simple affair too, being either low-to-no carbs and either a pair of plain veggie burgers or a nice brothy homemade soup with lots of veggies and tofu.  We're back on to making dinner's/lunches, but with the exception is I'm doing the whole portioning thing and skipping the "run back into the kitchen and making that pad Thai DISAPPEAR" diet...I've also been trying out the Fast Diet , in addition to tracking everything from food to working out on  (Like I needed another website to track my s#it.)  Oh...and I weighed myself the other day and since working on the portion sizes and not eating out all the time?  Managed to drop about 12 lbs with a little bit of effort.
A larger drawback?  Besides feeling SO F#CKING HUNGRY and missing take out chana masala?  Your friend Mikey got himself sick as hell for a second time within a month back in January. 

Just like that.  Started the 2nd week of the year bedridden and feverish, and in spite of having broke the fever and being on the mend it's the persistent nose leakage and sore throat that's bothersome.  I've *just* started to get back into running/lifting/HIIT-ing (focusing the workouts in general) and also back to karate for the 1st time in nearly a month, which I HATED to miss what with the whole "Getting my black belt" goal.  And while I haven't dropped weight as fast as I had in college (I'm still getting a physical in March, which'll hopefully mean I'm below 200lbs.) I can probably blame the wine for the superfluous calories.  That, and a vacation where in spite of packing (too many) work-out clothes?  We both just said "F#ck it" and decided we'd enjoy ourselves.  Because vacation.

It was like this. this.  With awesome Hollywood Mexican cuisine.

So that's where we are.  For her part, she's hired a personal trainer to help her with some new HIIT workouts to mix it up a little.  I've signed up for some races, have started back into run training in earnest, and am hungry, my babies.  No seriously, I want all the food.  Oh, and in a rare feat we're both helping each other with skipping the weekday alcohol drinking and saving it for the weekends.  (We'll see how that makes us feel after I shitty day at work. )  There you go.  Sustainable.  Nothing crazy**.  And if I read about spornosexuals 15 years ago I'd have probably rolled my metrosexual eyes back in my head.  Seriously.  "Sporn" you're getting plastic utensils at a XXX Kentucky Fried Chicken.

More news to follow.  Your support, as always, is appreciated.

*I have fond memories of occasionally calling my dad on his Bullshit.  Nothing hurtful or mean, but it was more like recognizing that dad's comments and ideas and instructions were occasionally fallible, and then watching him get frustrated when I would see how amusing his reaction was...and laughing at the situation would usually diffuse the argument.  Especially when you do it in front of family.  ("No, dad.  I'm not painting *wrong*.  Brush. Paint. Surface...what are you, Mr. Frickin' Miyagi?!?!?!  You're left-handed for God's Sake!!!"  <---true friends.="" p="" story="">
**Nothing crazy at all.


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