Friday, March 27, 2015

Dusting off the high kicks cool picture of me in karate mode.

So I'm still hitting karate consistently.  I've manage to table just about every extra curricular activity (shows, run training, etc.) in order to focus on obtaining my black belt this year.  I've got my brown/black stripe, so next it's the Oreo belt (AKA candidate belt/Black Belt with white stripe) and then take the test.  It's probably the most focused and consistent I've gone to karate since the late nineties/early-aughts when I was single, not doing a lot of theater, and young.  Now I'm actually studying curriculum, doing the class requirements, and the one thing I was reminded of:  I'm required to start fighting again on the regular.

As I said- once upon a time I would spar 2-3 x's a week.  Brooklyn Center on Fridays, Bloomington on Wednesdays, Plymouth on Tuesdays.  TGI Fridays or Applebees afterward.  It was good times.  I wasn't *good*, mind you.  (That was big brother and the rest of the Nationally ranked "Icemen")  But I was going and progressing and having a ball.   Then...a bunch of stuff diminished that drive.   And the dreaded family foot-drag befell me.  There were some other reasons...

My involvement in theater and film was one.  I was fortunate enough to get some well-paying gigs that I couldn't say "no" to.  Like the above picture, occasionally I'm able to blend those worlds together.  (Sheeeeit.  Time was I thought the only show I'd be cast in was where I was 1- a fight donkey and 2- non speaking.) Rehearsals at *night* meant slavering away in a dark theater whenever I could have been at class.

And problem with the ladies.  Around that time, I dated a woman who was a pretty big gunner and was auditioning like a fiend.  I hadn't adopted my "take long breaks and see who calls you to work" mentality.  (Mixed with my current "Make sure you list your conflicts on audition sheets so you have time for you, aka Karate") When you're being advised that you NEED to go Equity you chase a lot of professional theater gigs, and karate gets set aside as a silly hobby.  So it became a "thing" where I'd talk myself out of going on my free nights in order to stay home.  (I was asked if I wanted to do "Tae Bo" tapes with her...and I was all, no.  She was also the one who told me my stomach stuck out when I was doing slow kicks at home, soooooo...bye.)  Mikey finds more excuses.

My 1st year as a homeowner I was so mired in projects that I literally did *nothing* else but work and work on the house.  Sometimes I'd get on a streak, get injured and talk myself out of going back until I felt better.  Or hit sparring, fight a thumper who didn't have control, and stop going.  Funny thing though- when I went through a pretty emotional end of a relationship, it was karate that got me through it.  Sparring on Sunday nights at karate junction, heavy conditioning drills and the like put my head in a clearer space.

When I started going again in earnest, I hazarded my first sparring class in probably 5 years and *royally* f#cked up my leg.  And that was a little over a year ago.  My head wasn't in it.  At all.  The taste/fun was somehow diminished and diluted and for me, that was fine.  (I like doing form and self-defenses anyway)

My point- in order to get my black belt I need to fight.  I don't even have to hit the tourney's to "represent" my school like the old days or be a corner judge.  Just attend sparring regularly and not have it be to just fulfill the requirements.  A few weeks ago after getting my brown/black stripe by a happy accident,  the schedule was changed and they added sparring during one of my normal curriculum class.  (I was just glad I had my cup and mouthguard with me) And suddenly, I was back in it.  And it was fun as hell.

I mean, I'm still punching fodder for people while I try to shake the dust off and jump start muscle memory, and gods know I am FAR away from my old fighting shape.  But I had forgotten how much of a great work out it is and how FUN it can be.

Big brother asked me nearly 17 years ago when I was hemming and hawing over transferring my 9 month "Red Belt" program to a lifetime "Masters" program:  "Mikey, do you think you'll actually *go*?"  A legit question.  I thought of it as a challenge and signed up anyway.  Yes.  Yes I would.  Then, 3 years ago my instructor called me in to his office to ask me what I was doing.  (Meaning- "Why are you coming here when you've been parked at red belt for 10 years?")  And like that, I made it a point to be on my way.  Challenge accepted.

Hopefully, the next time I post anything about karate it'll be after the big black belt exam.  I went to the last one to cheer/audit, and the doability of it makes me pissed that I hadn't made the effort over the last 17 years.  I could be a 4th degree by now.  Teaching, even.  Anyway.  No time like the present.  I just hope I keep a realistic attitude, get a little better with every class, and don't kill myself.  So far so good.  I hurt like a bitch, am pushing through it, and taking LOTS of Ibuprofen.

Because while I kind of like to think I look like this?

It's actually a lot more like this:

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