Monday, December 15, 2014

Mid-Point Status...aka: 9 days 'til Christmas.

(Not pictured:  November 24th through 30th.  Also, "Indoor" means "Karate" in Mapmyrun speak.)

It's less easy than I anticipated, but easier when I just tell myself to go for a walk instead of flopping down for a nap or internetting or Netflixing.  Less easier still is dropping my portion sizes to something more "normal" and less "Jabba no portion".  Also, there've been plenty of opportunities- being the holidays and all- to snarf wine...(sigh)

Still, I've managed to avoid most meat except a Christmas Party (which I regretted, deeply) and some seafood at a double date.  That, and lunches have been a boring affair the last week or so- but I've stayed away from fast food/Chindian buffets and increased my strength training workout durations considerably.  Dorajar gave me a tip on the "Fast Diet" which Ranch and I will be starting...more than likely after the New Year.

The biggest set back, so far, is that I deigned to weigh myself in my exercising hubris last week.  It was...alarming.  And I'll maintain my open and honest stance here and say it was one of those things that ratcheted my self-esteem down plenty.  I'm just saying, if you're coming to my birthday party- a kind word or two goes a long way with me.

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