Thursday, May 19, 2011

1 Angry Opening...wait, that sounded bad.

I TOLD You! There is some MAD hackting going on here. Even "Angry". See what I did there?

We're opening tonight, friends. If you're a F'Booker you've see a few of the photo's that I've posted for this monster. Everything about it has been a great, and it's been a pleasure working with the cast. (They are some mighty talented people. And for s#it's sake, it's the first time I've worked with 80% of'em! You want my personal reason I think theater is made of awesome? Okay, so you have your friends/buddies/softball team...whatever. And then you all sit down, stand up, move around, told where to go, and get to create something really, really cool. All together. And then afterwards, you get drunk and tell the same stories from that one show that one time.)

I don't get schmoogly that often over shows, but this one is going to be good. C'mon down and get yerself entertained!

And, you's short. Clips along. Like a Fringe show.

I told you it was a very "Indiana Jones" suit.

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