Thursday, April 08, 2010

Training, Learning,

Okay, so the saga of the bogarted break-room creamer clearly didn't keep you all rapt. I understand. For me, it's the little stories that add spice to life. Like, for instance, my cat. Who was such an annoying pest the other night- licking my head, knocking over my lip goo/water bottle/NEARly my lamp before I actually chucked his ass underhand out of my bed. He promptly went into daddy's room (the Bean) and started caterwauling until he got up, went downstairs, filled his bowl, and went back to bed.

Folks, there was food in the bowl when I went downstairs not an hour before. 15 minutes later Georgie comes back into my bedroom where I can hear him stop at the foot of the bed. He then proceeds to puke (mind you- every time this cat vomits he emits a low, low growling moan) so this lead me to believe that I pissed him off, he coerced the Bean into feeding him (effectively "re-loading") went back upstairs and proceeded to do a spite-barf. He didn't even run off as I got out of bed and watched him lazily pad back out of the room. Ass cat.

So news. First-

The weather lately has been fantastic for early Spring. My tulips, day lillies, and many of my perennials that I planted, oh, two years ago? Are all popping up en masse. More importantly, all nine of the garlic bulbs we planted are starting to sprout! (My 1st count last week I only saw 6, so I chalked it up to zealous and hungry squirrel-terrorists. As it got warmer, boom. 3 more) Between that and the seeds Moda planted that are exploding we're going to have a veritable bounty. It'd be such a nice contrast with last years relatively weak harvest. I've even been contemplating expansion. GASP!


My contract here at the BGWC will be extended through the summer (if they like me) as opposed to running out in Spring. I guess the housing market is still buyer-centric and judging by how swamped we've been I should still be gainfully employed with a chance of mandatory overtime forseeable. (Boo...I mean YE$$$!!!) The downside is that I had to pull out of Paul Bunyan and it marks probably the first time in nearly 20 years of performing that I've ever done so. I need the dough, I know. It just sucks. A show would have been nice. That show would have been nice.


I'm currently in week #3 at the BNI's performance track class. I hemmed and hawed but the classes are pretty challenging and as an actor are helping make some discoveries. I don't want to get too poncey about it since it's a lot of what actors have heard before, sufficed to say it was a good choice and I'm getting a lot out of it. Class tends to always go over and we hash over what we've just worked on that night. So yeah. Playtime. Thanks, dad.


Since I've been in a learnin' state of mind, I'm going to take Choy Li Fut for 8 weeks. It's a class I'd been hankerin' to take (along with Wing Chun and Capoeria...and ball room dancing) for a while since I received the community circulars so I thought I'd give it a whirl. We'll see. Kiiiya.


Run training is...well it is. I've already made it past the 10K mark, topping off (as of late last March) at 7.5 miles. However, the nice weather has been taking me off the 'Mill and putting me on the proper roadways/trails. Except, and I won't lie... it's a bitch. I commented to Moda that I can definitely feel my legs getting stronger and my knees (knocking on wood) have felt okay. Holy Moly, my anterior tibalis and gastrocnemius are the devil. Just yesterday on an "easy" 4.5 miler I had to stop 4-5 times just to stretch it out. I'm hitting the gym to strength cross-train, but the out of doors is becoming a bit daunting. I might have to go back to the treadmill in spite of good weather. Frass. And here we did our first (and my longest) outdoor training run around Lake of the Isles/Calhoun last weekend.*

The races are 4/24 and 6/6 respectively. Think healing thoughts.


Vay. Cay. Shun. That's right, kids. Moda and I are West-coasting, heading out to OR to see L and D's wedding. Then it's a few days of scrabbling up and down the coast before heading home. Damn straight I'm happy. First proper vacation I'll have had in over 2 years. I need the ocean. And it gives my roommate his precious "house to himself" days.


Moda finally comes to the end of a long run of consecutive shows in less than two weeks. It'll be nice to have my cooking/gardening/frassing buddy...well to get my girlfriend back. It's gonna be Farmers Markets, dirty hands, bike rides, happy hours, and sunshine for buddies.


(*Perspective- MD is running a 100K marathon for OXFAM. Holy crap)


Unknown said...

Audio books - thats what keeps me out there training. A good thriller or suspense audio book. I know they are designed for old people, but throwing one onto your i-pod and really getting into it makes you want to run on so you can hear the nex chapter!
Keep running baby P, and good luck with your races :)

raven said...

Are you doing the Get in Gear 10K? If so, G is running it as well, and I'm running the half. Maybe we'll run into you?