Monday, August 04, 2008


Yeah, it's blurry...but that's cuz I just got finished KICKING NINJA A$$!!!
Excuse me.
So yeah, that ugly looking thing is now history now that the Con is over. I gotta say, I won't miss it even though Moda seemed to think it was sexy...(WTF) Man...Do yourselves a favor and hit one of these con's. I was kind of nervous/self-conscious walking in. Imagine that guy up there...feathered back hair, handle-bar redneck 'stache, big glasses, "Army of One" t-shirt tucked into camo pants, all-white tennis shoes, and a weight belt. Yeah. Color me dorkus.
Well sshhheeeeeeoot. The rest of the time I was stifling laughter. These people are SERIOUS. I mean...I just...I can't even begin to describe it. People dressed like Vampire Hunter D. People dressed like Sailor Moon. People dressed as Robotech Veri-fighters. People walking around with what I can only describe as 8 foot, "swords"? People that clearly put a s#it-ton of time (and money) into their costumes. I was doubly impressed and weirded out at the same time.
The bit itself went fine. I ad-libbed probably 95% of it, which for me means letting my mouth go until something is supposed to happen. No one was hurt. We had about150 odd (and oddly dressed) attendee's who actually sat through it. And I sweat through my outfit like it was my job. Wowsers.
The next group in the room was a kendo (legit) school doing a demo. I'd have liked to stay for that.
But thank goodness that is over. Hoooo boy...

1 comment:

momo said...

I'm usually not a fan of excessively groomed facial hair, so I have no idea why I found this look so unbearably HOTT!