Thursday, June 19, 2008


So last weekend I hosted the two back to back parteh's (The 'Bean's Daughter Wedding Jamboree and FeeJ's Nordeast Birfday Bonanza) They were both pretty fun (In spite of burning my frickin' finger on the grill during the former, and a hurricane nearly sailing away the party tents at the latter) The Bean had warned me that there would be a couple of wee pampies coming over (code for: Hide the p0rno and the action figures in the tv room) and to be ready.

We as soon as I was introduced to the brother and sister pair, I knew I was in trouble. The brother was mega-ADHD. Mega. And I was "Batman" to him. All. Night. Long. ("Batman, Batman...we, uh, gotta stop Jokuh!" and "Batman, Batman...can I see your TV Room?" I'm blaming him for tugging on my arm causing me to drop the burger on the grill and giving me a blister.) His sister was the shy one. Hardly a word spoken. So after asking him to chill while I served food and played host, I promised I'd show him some cool stuff upstairs in the TV- IF he behaved.

So after everything had wound down and folks were leaving, Young man did not forget my promise (After having reminded me no less than 23 times) so he and his gramma and his sister walked with me to the promised land: The fabled TV room.

Now I'm pretty proud of myself. I was able to gussy it up so that it looked a little more TV roomish (Cleaning out the closet. Hanging Framed musical/movie soundtrack lp's all over the wall instead of 2 lonely ones off kilter. Making an accomplishment wall) As the three of them stood there looking at pictures, and after I showed young man and sister a Spider Man mask, Darth Vader's helmet, and a lightsaber...His sister points at the center album and says- "What's that?"
"What's what?"
(Gramma chimes in authoritatively) "You can read those words, sweetheart"
"Ghost. Busters. What's that?"
(Moi) "Only the single greatest movie that has ever been made...ever"
"Why? (Scoffs indignantly) Well it's cool from the first, like, 2 seconds! I mean..."

It's here where I proceed to play out the first 5-10 minutes of the movie (Basically a paraphrased recitive of the library scene- Complete with taking books off my shelf and spookily moving them behind my head to simulate paranormal activity. I'm a cave man)

It was kinda cool though, actually. The kid, for once, didn't utter a peep. And they both had the google-eyed look of two kids hearing a ghost story at camp. Gramma was amused, although I'm pretty sure she was just relieved that I didn't have p0rn lying around, and it was an actual Spider Man mask vs. say a "Gimp" zipper mask.

Finally, Sister sez: "Is it scary?"
"Kinda. But it's funny too. Really funny. And if you can laugh at what's scaring you-"
(Kid finally regains his ADHD Interuptus composure) "It ain't SCARY any more!!!"

"That's right"

Then I showed them both how to properly hold a lightsaber so that they didn't hit the ceiling fan when they swung it over their heads. Gramma gave the "Time to go" signal and they were marched back downstairs. Before showing them the door, she turned around and said "Thank You."


And I crap you negative, I was so frickin' tired by the end of the night. Oof. Da.

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