Saturday, April 19, 2008 they?

So this came up:

British people don't have pets. Maybe the ones living in the states, but I am thoroughly my utter conviction in pop culture cinematic madness...that British people don't have pets.

(*Based on the fact that in almost every BritPic/BBC program there have never been a kitteh shown. And dogs were usually for hunting foxes...or bears)


raven said...

I have seen kitties. However, I would assume that there aren't many pets, because there is no rabies on the British isles. If you move there, your pets must be quarantined for six months to insure they don't bring any rabies with, no matter there inoculation record.

Wow, I have way too much useless knowledge.

raven said...

I meant their. I accidentally clicked the wrong correction to my typo.

Unknown said...

British people do have pets.
Mostly Cats, Dogs and goldfish.
They are probably the same proportion of pet owners in Britain as there are in the states.
Most cats are outdoor cats and catch mice for fun.
I will bring you home in July and we can do a pet survey :)