Friday, April 11, 2008

YAR!!! Other Drivers!!!

So Mother Nature is getting her final licks in this month, per normal, and my commute home was no different than any other commute save that it was extended nearly forty minutes. Not that I mind, don't get me wrong. When I first exited the cloverleaf from 494 to 94 WB the inability of my windshield wipers to keep up with the spray from fellow commuters slipstream spritzing had my stomach in knots.

This morning, I dutifully turned on my vehicle to let her warm up and brushed off my car and the 'Beans. Now, for the non-MN readers...all...none of you...a snow brush is a standard purchased accessory for all vehicles in the state. Why? It beats the s#it out of trying to manually "hand brush" your car and when it wet snows the drops below freezing you have zero chance of removing the ice "sans scraper".

Which brings me to today. Can I get an explanation of the douchepackers who decide that they're in such a hurry that they can scamper off into the world (read: On the freeways) with a full sheet of snow completely covering their rear windshield?

I wish I were lying. But I was behind a Saturn Ion which, upon exiting the freeway, WAY overcompensated their turn and quickly brought themselves back to being in front of me by way of almost sideswiping my car in the process. (I had to drive into the shoulder, and I fear the shoulder)

The s#itty thing is, the snow wasn't even that bad. I was able to actually wipe it off with a gloved hand in one foul swoop.

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