Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too funny...

This was too funny (to me) not to share:

Dorajar and her bff from college met for cocktails at a local Asian themed restaurant. Per "chainy-Asian-themed" decor, the walls were adorned with kanji that was appropriately sub-texted for the Euro-cents with gentle words which the owners wish to convey the wisdom and serenity of the Thai/Chinese/Japanese/Dirty-knee's nations. "Love"? Check. "Compassion"? Check. "Acceptence"? Check. "Peace"? Offffff course!

You know. When you're ordering yourself some pad Thai at a level 3 you need "Successories" over your head. Feel good. Eat.

Her buddy noticed one, however, that was labeled "Benevolence". In a simple case of brain-tootage, she said "Why would they put that up? Doesn't that mean that you don't really care either way?" to which Dorajar corrected her and said "I think you're thinking about 'ambivalence'". "Oh".

Which got us thinking- Wouldn't it be funny if they did have sayings like that up around the restaurant? (Albeit, I think it'd be funnier sans subtitles)

Things like:
"Passive aggressive"
"Tip more, B#tch"
"Clown shoes"

And it was after "Cheney", our conversation degenerated into people we think should be up there ("Phelps", "Huckabee" yadda yadda) and we quit.

Heh. It'll happen.

In other news, in spite of boycotting Fantastic Samuel's I went in and got a shampoo and cut for their advertised $10 wash N chop and have been quite pleased with the results. Much better than the "1993 Senior photo" look I was starting to sport. No lie...it was getting all MacGuyvery-mullety in the back. I have a senior picture outside of my desk (Wearing my football jersey. Ahhhh yes. The popular "Jocko" Photo.) and folks were making the comparison in hairstyles. Albeit, they did say my hair was "poofier" in 1993. No s#it. After the cutting, folks at the theatre were quite complimentary in spite of the fact that it was doing this Afflecky thing due to the product they used.

In other news...I think I'd like a 15 year reunion. I missed the ol' 10 year. Could be a hot ticket.

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