Thursday, January 31, 2008

A regular bookie...

I have been a READING petunia, lately and I'm pleased to say that I've polished off the following:

"30 Days of Night"/"30 Days of Night: Return to Barrow" (Graphic novels. Thanks, BWJ) Bleak. Bleak as f#ck. And it really makes me wanna see the movie.

"Born Standing Up" (Thanks Dad) Steve Martin's auto-bio about "the biz". A good, quick read.

"Catacombs" (James Ferris) This was a palate cleansing re-read. Not even a favorite novel, it's endeared itself to me for a couple of reasons- It has an old school 1980 Cold War Espionage vibe, it really paints a pretty picture African landscape and makes me wanna hike up Kilaminjaro and sing Toto's "Africa" at the top of my lungs, and lastly the protaganist is one serious bad ass and not in the machismo/blow'em up/larger than life way. I want to start describing myself as "ruthlessly efficient". "Baby P was ruthlessly efficicent working backstage during 'Looking for Normal'..." Yeah. I'll be doing that, and changing my middle name to "F#cking". Or "Dudikoff".

"The Things They Carried" (Tim O'Brien) Great book about Vietnam during the war. Having been a kid that went through the late 80's-early 90's watching every Viet-war flick that came out every five minutes (For real. "Platoon", "Casualties of War", "Born on the Fourth of July", "Full Metal Jacket"...You couldn't throw a rock between 1986 and 1992 without hitting a Vietnam movie. It was like what 1998 was to WW2 flicks)

"Doc Sidhe" (Aaron Alston) Okay, so this was another palate cleanser after "The Frass they Pampied". Another re-read, this is your basic dumb sci-fi fantasy novel. You will never read this. I promise you. The protaganist is a theatre major who also is a full contact kickboxer who finds himself in parallel form of Earth that is inhabited by magic, elves, humans, dwarve's with razor sharp teeth and people randomly hook up with each other for casual consensual se...Seriously, you will never read this...*

Now I'm on "The Greatest Generation" (Brokaw) and I'll probably have that polished off over the weekend.

Upcoming: "A Prayer for Owen Meany" which I'm told has to do with a microencephlatic half-man half-dinosaur that eats clowns. Then another palate cleanser: "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" which I'm very excited about.

* Okay, if you SERIOUSLY wanna read's online. IJS

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