Thursday, January 31, 2008

A regular bookie...

I have been a READING petunia, lately and I'm pleased to say that I've polished off the following:

"30 Days of Night"/"30 Days of Night: Return to Barrow" (Graphic novels. Thanks, BWJ) Bleak. Bleak as f#ck. And it really makes me wanna see the movie.

"Born Standing Up" (Thanks Dad) Steve Martin's auto-bio about "the biz". A good, quick read.

"Catacombs" (James Ferris) This was a palate cleansing re-read. Not even a favorite novel, it's endeared itself to me for a couple of reasons- It has an old school 1980 Cold War Espionage vibe, it really paints a pretty picture African landscape and makes me wanna hike up Kilaminjaro and sing Toto's "Africa" at the top of my lungs, and lastly the protaganist is one serious bad ass and not in the machismo/blow'em up/larger than life way. I want to start describing myself as "ruthlessly efficient". "Baby P was ruthlessly efficicent working backstage during 'Looking for Normal'..." Yeah. I'll be doing that, and changing my middle name to "F#cking". Or "Dudikoff".

"The Things They Carried" (Tim O'Brien) Great book about Vietnam during the war. Having been a kid that went through the late 80's-early 90's watching every Viet-war flick that came out every five minutes (For real. "Platoon", "Casualties of War", "Born on the Fourth of July", "Full Metal Jacket"...You couldn't throw a rock between 1986 and 1992 without hitting a Vietnam movie. It was like what 1998 was to WW2 flicks)

"Doc Sidhe" (Aaron Alston) Okay, so this was another palate cleanser after "The Frass they Pampied". Another re-read, this is your basic dumb sci-fi fantasy novel. You will never read this. I promise you. The protaganist is a theatre major who also is a full contact kickboxer who finds himself in parallel form of Earth that is inhabited by magic, elves, humans, dwarve's with razor sharp teeth and people randomly hook up with each other for casual consensual se...Seriously, you will never read this...*

Now I'm on "The Greatest Generation" (Brokaw) and I'll probably have that polished off over the weekend.

Upcoming: "A Prayer for Owen Meany" which I'm told has to do with a microencephlatic half-man half-dinosaur that eats clowns. Then another palate cleanser: "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" which I'm very excited about.

* Okay, if you SERIOUSLY wanna read's online. IJS

Note to self...

Black beans with cumin, chili powder, and topped with grated fat free cheese/sour cream is not a good idea for dinner.

I'm just sayin'...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gym Etiquette.

And not "Replace your weights when finished" or "Please wipe down the bench"

Please have a towel around your waist or some pants on if you're going to shave by the sinks. The last thing I want is to wash my hands next to your Mr. Bojangles, sir.


Almost 40 degrees to - 14 degree's?

The optimist in me (For I ate one for dinner) is happy that this marks the two week sub-zero cool off period which will eventually make way for warmer temps (usually mid-February) So that by March we start to stay primarily above the teens/twenties.

Of course, by March...we get the dumping. Always during HS sports tourney weekends. So you get the out of town turkey's coming in for boys and girls Hockey/Bball/Wrestling. Compounded by the fact that we're one bridge shy this year.

Let the driving D-baggery begin.

Sppppeeeeeaking of dbags:

At least Dorajar made some hearty African Peanut Butter stew. For. Yum

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too funny...

This was too funny (to me) not to share:

Dorajar and her bff from college met for cocktails at a local Asian themed restaurant. Per "chainy-Asian-themed" decor, the walls were adorned with kanji that was appropriately sub-texted for the Euro-cents with gentle words which the owners wish to convey the wisdom and serenity of the Thai/Chinese/Japanese/Dirty-knee's nations. "Love"? Check. "Compassion"? Check. "Acceptence"? Check. "Peace"? Offffff course!

You know. When you're ordering yourself some pad Thai at a level 3 you need "Successories" over your head. Feel good. Eat.

Her buddy noticed one, however, that was labeled "Benevolence". In a simple case of brain-tootage, she said "Why would they put that up? Doesn't that mean that you don't really care either way?" to which Dorajar corrected her and said "I think you're thinking about 'ambivalence'". "Oh".

Which got us thinking- Wouldn't it be funny if they did have sayings like that up around the restaurant? (Albeit, I think it'd be funnier sans subtitles)

Things like:
"Passive aggressive"
"Tip more, B#tch"
"Clown shoes"

And it was after "Cheney", our conversation degenerated into people we think should be up there ("Phelps", "Huckabee" yadda yadda) and we quit.

Heh. It'll happen.

In other news, in spite of boycotting Fantastic Samuel's I went in and got a shampoo and cut for their advertised $10 wash N chop and have been quite pleased with the results. Much better than the "1993 Senior photo" look I was starting to sport. No was getting all MacGuyvery-mullety in the back. I have a senior picture outside of my desk (Wearing my football jersey. Ahhhh yes. The popular "Jocko" Photo.) and folks were making the comparison in hairstyles. Albeit, they did say my hair was "poofier" in 1993. No s#it. After the cutting, folks at the theatre were quite complimentary in spite of the fact that it was doing this Afflecky thing due to the product they used.

In other news...I think I'd like a 15 year reunion. I missed the ol' 10 year. Could be a hot ticket.

Bloop Bloop

Whudda weekend, pampers. Another GREAT run of "Normal" (Last weekend, kids. Don't make the mistake of missing it! ) So far, we've had 9 Ivey reviewer's attend. It'd be kinda nice, you know? To be part of a show that clinches, or has a perfomer clinch, an Ivey? And there are definitely folks in the show that deserve it. Boy, howdy.

Thank you, family, for the gift of pans. This weekend was home cooking heaven, thanks to your X-mas gift. Thursday was a deliscious pasta with tomato, olive oil, spinach, and bourgeoius cheese. Friday night was baked salmon, garlic mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus*. Saturday a.m. was whole wheat English muffin with egg beaters/soy cheese/veggie sausage patties. Sunday a.m. was diced potato and onions topped with cheese, scrambled eggs mixed with spinach/tomato/red onion/fresh basil...all covered in cheese- I even used all four burners. Pip Pip.

I kid you not...I love cooking. And working out. Holy b@lls, I actually made it to the gym Thursday through Sunday. Note to self: You aren't in your 20's, dude. You no longer suffer "Heavy" days well. Dig?

Sunday night post-show, Redwright was kind enough to invite us over for homemade jambalaya and hot tubbing. Exactly what these old bones needed. FW, TLC and I warbled "Oklahoma" at the top of our lungs while we soaked...and for some reason I imagine Dorajar, Redwright, and BD staring at each other quietly...their collective eye rolls actually creating sound.

* So get this- I hate cooking potatoes. I try. I usually fail. Soooooo, after promising to make garlic mashed potatoes for weeks I decide to throw it on the menu. I boil the red potatoes until they're easily piercable with a fork. Toss'em in a mixing bowl. Add a half cup of fat free creamer and half a cup of skim milk. Two tablespoons of reduced fat butter. Salt. Fresh cracked pepper. Annnnnnnnd approximately 48 minced bulbs of garlic. (Which reminds me...Ma? That jarful of bulbs you gave me at Christmas? Almost gone. Any chance we can get some more?)

Anyway, it was good...the Salmon turned out a lllleeetle bit dry, but on the whole I was pleased. But oh boy, my love of garlic was seVERELY tested. We reeked. Like...bad. Every "urp" caused the other to look with an undisguised unpleasant face followed by an "Ew". Did we learn our lesson?

No. Every time we stole a bite from the leftovers...the other person knew. It was completely and utterly unmaskable. And we were so, so sorry to the cast. We smelled. Awful. I'm sure of it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hallowe'en 2008? IJS...
And this will, will make you crap your pants with laughter. Here

Monday, January 21, 2008

Nope, nope...still here!

Haven't been on some blog sabbatical. Just busy busy busy. With whart, you ask?

"LOOKING FOR NORMAL" at the Minneapolis Theatre Garage, runs Thursday through Sunday through February 3rd. All Sunday's are matinee's with a talkback post show. For more information go to

For seriousness folks. This is a show you should all. See. I'm working backstage on this one, but the process has been thrilling to watch. There's been so much love, passion, and energy that everyone has brought (And it was brought in at a very high level) since the first read through. Sufficed to say, it's kept us very busy. And the rewards are all worth it. Don't believe me? Have a look: -brings-light-to-universal-need-for-transgender-understanding/

Gawdamn. Reviewed much? I absolutely love how each reviewer finds something different about every performance to speak toward. Just. Love.

In other news, eff a bunch of resolutions. NYE was spent at the casa del Mo-Mags and I stayed up way too late and keesed way too many people at midnight. It's a miracle I didn't get a touch of the herp. Sloot.

In other, other news. Eff a bunch of cold. My upstairs is 5-10 degrees warmer than my main level. (A little better now that the Scotch Guard is up) Still, I wake up dehydrated.

There's nothing like a good bloody Mary with brunch.

You cannot look cool wearing heavy moonboots. Minus 10 points from Gryffindor if you add a bathrobe to that equation.

The refs were bribed. Yes, the Pack played sub-par. But to have practically 5 penalties IN A ROW? That was some s#itty reffing. IJS.

Why the eff am I at work today?

Happy MLK Jr. Day, folks. And go see this show, STAT!