Monday, September 07, 2020

Week 15 Did you know?

George Floyd was murdered on Memorial Day, 2020, by members of the Minneapolis Police Department.  A Day of national remembrance, Memorial Day is (in my mind- so, opinion.) the more-or-less kick off to Summer.  A time that feels programmed from an early age to lose a little responsibility and be out of doors and enjoy myself.  (Even now, as an adult with a 9-5).  So today we're at the bookend National Holiday- Labor Day.  To recognize the achievements and contributions of American Workers.

World-wide, the pandemic has placed the population in a freeze since whether pandemic-deniers like it or not, it'll get them too.  Much like white people that deny and deride system racism and privilege- it is a part of their DNA which affects them whether they wish to pretend it doesn't exist or not.  As such, the two events will be linked for the Summer of 2020, however as we (hope) the pandemic will end and life will return to a semblance of normal- full of Thanksgiving meals with family, holiday shopping, and the like- racism will still exist.  And needs to be acknowledged and addressed and understood and acted on every day.  Not just when it's convenient or when you read about another BIPOC person killed by police brutality.

Here's some sobering information- people have been protesting non-stop since George Floyd's murder.  Every day, rain or shine, for 4 months.  If you still believe in a calendar system of extrapolating time, that's 105 days now of protesting- of which, if you watch the news you may have caught the occasional sensational violent headline to pique your interest and readership.  George Floyd is gone.  People are still non-violently protesting.  And still being met by violent police resistance for their efforts to draw attention to the fact that Black Lives Matter.  

You're liable to hear some cock and bullshit about lawlessness and the need for strength.  I won't sway your support, but if  you haven't seen it the statistics aka those pesky fucking facts have once again gotten in the way of your racist relative's tiresome screeds about property destruction.  Learn more here.

I want to check out so I can be with my family for a bit, but I wanted to note something really quickly-

Over the weekend we attended a lovely wedding for family.  It's our 3rd in a year, 2nd destination wedding with the toddler (who was a champ), as well as 2nd in the time of a pandemic.  It's worth noting we had some misgivings about the first wedding heading South of the state-  my junior varsity social media advocacy has me at odds with some of the politics of my family, and in spite of maintaining civility and respectful behavior- I cannot be held to my habit of being cautious and situationally aware.  And since we've a pandemic to boot, I was on edge.  We had a great time and the hotel was clean and maintained safety protocols...and in regard to politics- and even though we were in a generally red CAUCUS STATE!  We only saw a few signs that supported the dangerous regime presently in power.

Not so traveling to the North in our own state.  The wedding, reception, and time with my wife's family was all wonderful.  The signs and billboards heading up and down, not so much.  Most of them were disparaging and disrespectful- of the governor, of pro-choice, of people who didn't attend church or were deemed/judged not respectful enough of the military.  

You read a lot about "Trump Country" these days and we all know how the shithead has a masterful way of conducting not only his base of followers but the true-blue party line voters.  (With respect for the single-issue voters.  It's hard not to wince and be frustrated.  Abortion, 2nd Amendment Rights, and Taxes *NOT* going to people who don't work is HIGH on the old fucking list of "Jesus Christ you have absolutely got to let it go now" that just needs to die.  Be Republican.  Be conservative.  Just grow the fuck up already)

However if you replace the aforementioned "Trump Country" with "Conservative part of the state" or even the oldey-but-goody "Bible Belt" states and it doesn't feel as insidious.  Driving through rural portions of the state or country has never struck me as a big deal until the last 4 years.  Now, I get 45 minutes out of my neighborhood and the signs are up calling our (democratic) Governor "Clown Shoes".  So, my point is you see a lot of people saying shit online or in the comments section how people can't communicate and it's shouting and "both sides have problems" but Iiiiiiiiiii can humbly beg to differ.  

You don't seen a lot of democrats spilling a lot of coin on billboards disparaging the opponents since it's been fairly obvious (to anyone that's read, seen testimony, watched the news, or has a critical mind that can say "wow...that's fucked up.") will know that we've evolved past considerate and respectful discourse and into the realm of "sides".  OTOH, myself and most people with the functioning mind, might think we're high and mighty with FACTS.  Whereas the "other side" likes to bandy in opinion, spoon fed (now) from on high and an entertainment channel that makes sweet love to the Reagan's dissolution of the Fairness Doctrine.  

I checked into a hotel, a chain hotel, that caters to members of the National Guard and their families as the city is close to the state's camp-slash-training area for the Guard.  As such, it's not unusual to see flags and ribbons and support ephemera.  HOWEVER...

We were greeted with a sign as we walked in- a sign that said they wouldn't ask if you weren't wearing a (state mandated) mask to protect other people and they would assume you have a condition preventing you from wearing one.  And so we're clear, it's a major hotel chain.  That's independently owned an operated.  And while there were a few employees wearing masks, they were around their neck or not at all.  To button this together- the trip my family and I made with all of our anxiety down to Iowa during a pandemic was- at least to us- assuaged with a hotel (chain) staff that took pains to keep their patrons safe and relaxed.  

This other chain, said fuck you to that.  Open continental breakfast.  No one wearing masks.  People coming in to watch Fox News (that was *locked* on all channels) and drink coffee.  

So, you see, I feel like the point of all this is that "conservative parts of the state" would be acting in a different manner entirely.  They may bristle at having to wear masks.  They may think that it's inconvenient and still think the governor is a dick for no other reason than he's a Democrat.  But they'd do it.  To protect aging and infirm VETERAN'S they proclaim to give a shit about.  

In "Trump Country", they've been seemingly handed a hall pass of incivility and dangerous disrespect.  And it's scares me with how *PRO* the current regime they are.  How having their side WIN and be IN CHARGE is more important than public safety.  At where??  A FUCKING HOTEL THAT NEEDS GUESTS TO FEEL SAFE AND RELAXED.

Anyway.  Every fucking day for 4 years, guys.  It's something new every goddamn day, without respite.  Without...time to process.  That second part is important because  I started this entry wanting to remind you of George Floyd and the importance of combating racism every day (because as your daily reminder:  BIPOC people have it a fuck of a lot worse every goddamn day and Black Lives Matter.)  

Anyway.  It scares me to think he could win again.  I don't know if I could take it.  Like, we could literally have this asshole try and reintroduce slavery he's vile.   

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