Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What to tell? Much...

Sorry, bad. I know it's been a few weeks but there's been a metric crap ton on the Mikey front over the last few weeks. I had promised blogs-a-plenty but these last two weeks have been a jumble of activities and it's hard for me to parse them down. I'll frame these as individual blaugs eventually, but to understand where I'm coming from...a few nibblers:

-New jobbed! Yup. This is in and of itself the biggest piece of news. I'm QA'ing at an online vehicular diagnosticing company and finally entering the world of (permanent) gainful employment.

-Grandma'ed! Moda ran her first full Mary last weekend up in the Duluth area. Not only is this an impressive feat for her, there were some hilarious shenanigans over the weekend.

-Cabin'd! Mama-san and I headed up to da lake to get the trailer unpacked and have a mow. On the way back, we discussed in "real" terms what this could mean by way of getting a new, actual livable cabin in place of the shack etc. (I'm confirming this...since she does read this thing...and saying to cyber-ville that if we had a livable cabin- That is to say something with working indoor plumbing/shower/kitchen/sleeping area and a dock that could easily be rolled in place? I'd probably go up twice-monthly during the summer months. No lie.)

-Races! I'm on the fence about frassin' about this one. The "Boom" is coming up and I'm still wondering if I wanna do it. It's practically in my back yard. Cheap. And I've been training on the harder parts of the route for the last month so working the hill and riding it down isn't a worrisome issue. In other news, I'm floating comfortably around my target weight of 180 or so and am wearing other summer shorts.

-Garden!!! We're working with the scapes tonight, kids! Garlic curly-cue goodness! I have NOTHING by way of new plantings but hopefully will change that this weekend when I put up the bun-bun proof fence.

-Closed/Open! I closed the "Angry" dude play, which was mildly sad. (It was a real pleasure working with everyone of those guys) HowEVER I auditioned for a Fringe show and got in (pip) so there'll be more theater-frass aplenty after the fourth of July.

How about that? There's other frass a-brewing in the coming summer months- Finishing the landscaping project as well as indoor projects (My roommate is going to be gone for a week and a half...ergo, I'm throwing a party) Tubin' trips down the Cannon, the desperate need for a new Central A/C, and getting acclimated to my new routine at the new job.

Expect more to follow. If you're here, glad you stuck around.

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