Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Waxing Scientifically Nostalgic

I caught the "SW" exhibit at the SMM the other night and boy howdy did it inspire my inner geek. Mega cool, it was, to see the land speeder (which I wanted to sit in) and the other various props/models from the original trilogy. Then we were over to the Omni (always a good time) to watch "Special Effects" which proved to be a grand spectacle.

But here's where I'm gonna raise my flag as one of the few detractor's of the exhibit and the SMM in general since they've moved. (My ma, who was my date, pointed out one that my old man brought up)

1- The lady at the ticket booth said "Allow for at least 90 minutes for the exhibit" and I was all like "Yeah! They've gotta have a TON of s#it!". When in all actuality it was probably closer to half to 1/3 of the exhibit was dedicated to the actual films and the rest was interactive games for kids and adults ( hint to play with mechanical devices inspired by the movies! ("Make the robot walk! Build YOUR own robot from these unrelated scraps! SHOOT the ping pong ball with forced air! LOOK at this beam of light with dust in it!" I assume that last one was to emulate the lightsaber effect. And is it really such a chore to get an adult sized compressed-air hover chair? Height restrictions my Aunt Tilly...) I'm just sayin' more Star Wars, less gimmick.

2- I missed the 2000 exhibit at MIA when it first came 'round (A tragic day to be sure. It was a rainy day, sold out, and forced my big brother and I to partake in beers from Chili's and the movie "MI: 2". Not a good substitute.) point being, they only were probably able to dredge up a minute amount of dreck from the prequels (Eps 2 & 3 having not been released) Anyway, it had some great propage, yeah, but would it have killed them to have Luke's Ep 6 costume? An X-Wing Pilot suit? Obi-Wan's distressed Ep 4 costume? Heck, Darth Maul woulda been all right...

3- More. Lightsabers. From. Original. Trilogy. No Luke. No Darth Vader. No Obi-Wan. No Luke 2. They had frickin Shaak Ti or someone...f#ck. I don't know. I'm betting dollars to tacos that the prop storage at the ranch has a hell of a lot more coolness to show than just the prequels.

4- I think I caught a goof. If I'm not mistaken, Luke had the top of his hand shot in "Jedi" and they said it was from "Empire". Oooooooo...Geek.

5- The Toy Store at the end was...a little much. There were sc-REAMING pampies that were being dragged out by their heels, by their folks (Clutching at action figures and demanding purchase immediately) It seemed to be the pinnacle of make-a-buckmanship and left a bad taste in my mouth. Moreso because the decided to toss more toys in the Imagination store. C'mon...

6- Instead of a stupid photo-shop your face on your favorite SW character scene that you can find at the State Fair or WI Dells, why not have "Get a Photo" in a replica Millennium Falcon cockpit or Landspeeder. Everything related to the actual films was so hands off that it felt like I'd have been better off watching the movies at home with a toy lightsaber. I'm pretty sure that the ILM can build a decent practical prop on the cheap.

7- Boba Fett? Where's Boba Fett? You coulda rebuilt or just re-dyed Jango and we'd be none the wiser.

8- The Omni film. Yeah. It was okay. I just thought a film with that title would have had more recent information than just 1997. Seriously. It was a 10 year old film. It woulda been cool-ER in 1998...but still. We've had s#it like "The Matrix" since then.

9- General Gripe-vous with the new SMM in general...

Do y'all remember the old (Well, according to the SMM History room "Old since 1978") SMM? It was And this is where my previous comment via my dad comes in- It's now more of a kids museum. And while I understand the need to stimulate and bring in new audiences, the old museum fit that bill just fine. They had the mock-ups of a Mayan Village complete with stone for grinding corn that you could play with. The Egyptian section was treated with reverie instead of being relegated to the "History of the SMM" walk-through where it's displayed as an anachronistic icon of the "Old" SMM. There were pins you could stick your hands into to make shapes. Robot arms to pick up pieces of foam (AND THE BIG ARM!)

I it so wrong to want a museum that blends science and history together that doesn't pander? Chicago has one...they're close...

10- Get rid of those musical stairs. Headache. Central. And the m@sturb@tory pump-action golf ball game that attracts 13-15 year old boys to pump-pump-pump FIRE accompanied by "YEEEEAHS!!!" and high fives...well, great game to put in the cafeteria.


I liked the history of the SMM section, seeing the real "Vader" costume (Dang. He was a big dude in real life) the Millennium Falcon prop (The details, you know?) and the dinosaurs. ( I coulda lived without the beetles that clean the bones of dead animals exhibit) And the next Omni film is "Mystery of the Great Lakes" which looked hecka cool. (I can has date?)

End. Rant.


Is not a day to be at work. This is a day to be sleeping in. To get the occasional flash of light behind closed eyes before the distance boomies go off. To have kitteh nestled in the crook of your arm. To be shut down for a little while. I live for mornings like this.

I think that 2008 is the year of meteorological hindsight rearing it's ugly head. I've lost count as to how many foul ups have occurred regarding mis-forecasting the daily weather, as well as how many plans have had to be abended due to inclement weather. In the morning "Looks like rain!" and by the evening "It was a BEautiful day in the Twin Cities..."

My lawn desperately needs it.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

I told you so...

See? SEE?!!?!? I told you that social networking is messed up! As are some pet owners...

doggyspace, btw...Sounds strangely like a bestial fetishests website.

By the skin of our teeth

So you know the old addage: "Where's a cop when you need'em"? That describes this morning. Except they were there. Get this, fellow assertive drivers...

So I confess that I drive 5-10 miles over the speed limit. It's true. If you had the learner's permit instructors of my dad and big brother (Who's only mantra when teaching was "Don't drive like me...") you'd be an assertive driver too. With all the tricks, like...watching the light change out of your peripheral vision so you start to go before you get your green light. Or forearmed with the knowledge that county mounties won't tag you if you are at 8-10 miles over on the freeway or 5 miles over on the back streets. Or to slow down when on the freeway when you are coming around a blind section b/c that's where the fuzz will be parked with their radar guns pointed right atcha...all that jazz.

So imagine me, putzing along 94 EB on my way to work. Flying about 68 mph. Listening to the banter on the Current. In the speed lane. And someone behind me is barrelling up to my tail like a bat outta hell. I move over, like a good commuter, to let the a$$hole passhole. I look over at them and they are talking on a cellphone. I reiterate verbally my assertion that the individual is, in fact, very similar to a rectum- As they tear a$$ past me going (I'd guess) 85 mph.

That's when I see the state trooper parked by the upcoming exit ramp.

So I, like the rest of the world and traffic, slow waaaay the EFF down as did Mr.D-bag on the cell...when the county mountie pulls out (just as I pass, btw) passes me, and flips his cherries on. Behind the d-bag. Eventually pulling him over.

I wonder how he ended his conversation?

Monday, August 04, 2008


Yeah, it's blurry...but that's cuz I just got finished KICKING NINJA A$$!!!
Excuse me.
So yeah, that ugly looking thing is now history now that the Con is over. I gotta say, I won't miss it even though Moda seemed to think it was sexy...(WTF) Man...Do yourselves a favor and hit one of these con's. I was kind of nervous/self-conscious walking in. Imagine that guy up there...feathered back hair, handle-bar redneck 'stache, big glasses, "Army of One" t-shirt tucked into camo pants, all-white tennis shoes, and a weight belt. Yeah. Color me dorkus.
Well sshhheeeeeeoot. The rest of the time I was stifling laughter. These people are SERIOUS. I mean...I just...I can't even begin to describe it. People dressed like Vampire Hunter D. People dressed like Sailor Moon. People dressed as Robotech Veri-fighters. People walking around with what I can only describe as 8 foot, "swords"? People that clearly put a s#it-ton of time (and money) into their costumes. I was doubly impressed and weirded out at the same time.
The bit itself went fine. I ad-libbed probably 95% of it, which for me means letting my mouth go until something is supposed to happen. No one was hurt. We had about150 odd (and oddly dressed) attendee's who actually sat through it. And I sweat through my outfit like it was my job. Wowsers.
The next group in the room was a kendo (legit) school doing a demo. I'd have liked to stay for that.
But thank goodness that is over. Hoooo boy...

Friday, August 01, 2008

In other news...CON'DDDD

Mattso slipped me some roofies and convinced me that working a staged comedy ninja demo here would be a pretty good idea. Ergo, I will be spending this sunny and hot Caturday afternoon milling about with anime' enthusiast's and the invariable indoor kid. I'm sure that at least a few of the participants will have beaten their own high scores playing Guitar Hero at least three times the morning before attending.

I kid.

Actually, I'm kinda anxious/curious about the con as a whole. The last fan convention that I attended was back at the "Dr. Who" con that was held at the Mpls. Armory back in 1986. (I went as the 5th Doctor, thankyouverymuch...I did not get Colin Baker or Patrick Troughton's-RIP-autograph.) Sci-Fi or Comic Con's I'd fare better at, since my frame of reference for Anime' is pretty much vague memories of watching "Robotech" and "Voltron" when I was a kid.

Soooooo, it'll be interesting to say the least. Heh...

Oh, I'm playing this guy, btw (It's a character description, you ya-yo's)... My plan is to have my feathered 1992 poofy hair (sans mullet. No time to get a mullet extension either) and a handlebar 'stache as an homage to my friend Chad G. The only real thing I'm concerned about is riffing in front of a group of con attendee's who either will, or will not be expecting some semblance of "real" martial arts. (Of which there really won't be. I'll post pics and explain the gig later) Anyway, we're making each other laugh which tends to be a pretty good sign. And so far only 72% of my jokes have clunked. Which means that I'll end up talking fast and make poop jokes. It will be glooooorious.

If you have absolutely nothing to do and want a social experiment, you should attend. IJS.


That's right, bitca's! The 2008 Minneapolis Fringe Festival is in full swing, and if you love theater then you owe it to yourself to turn off "So You Think You Can Frass", drag your butts outside, and take in some shows! But first, I must turn your attention to some peemping:
No Refunds Theatre Company is re-mounting their fall show which had a successful run at the Bryant-Lake Bowl: "Sun Tzu's The Art of War". Come see yours truly and the rest of the ninja's as we tell the tale of war and strategy, and it's relevance to today's current events. There is also a Mambo. (Seriously, this is a really funny show that I am most proud of) More information is available at:
See a endorsement with an attached online review here:
See Mattso Boomer's and Mr. Charlie's (The writers) Interview on MPR:
(btw- It isn't bad kung fu. Clearly they haven't seen the show yet. hiiiiiYA)
Or, check out the Fringe Festival show selection (For there are many, many good looking shows this year) at:
Go now! Rarig! Opening Sunday night! Your stupid will turn to smart!!!


In my interest of only being a part-time luddite, I started joining "social networking" sites about 2 years ago. (Blogger notwithstanding...that was originally started to frass about homebonership...LJ was for personal frass, and then I was reminded that everyone and their kitteh was on Myfrass, Frasster, and the newest: Frassbook)

So I joined, joining the millions of folks who enjoy keeping tabs on their buddies or simply like to measure their status based on the number of peeps they can "friend". (As a testament to my inability to touch these sites at work, I've narrowed down my daily visits to Frassbook and Myfrass...Frasster comes in dead a$$ last)

So weird things happen on these places, adding fuel to my normal luddite tecknolojickal feerz...

1st- I've been "found" by a number of peeps in my youth. Meaning, waaaaaay back childhood. Like, folks who were infants when I moved out of my home the first time back in 1993- Founded me. Not to mention old S.O.'s who have moved on and started families on their own. Like I said...weird.

2nd- Someone threw a sheep at me.

Wait...Okay, so yeah I get it. First you get "poked" (which, for some reason, illicits laughs from yours truly b/c I always turn it into a double entendre. It's a high school joke that...nevermind) So "Suzy Q has poked you! Poke her back!" or "Bill Pants wants you to join the group 'If you mix 'Star Wars' and 'The Grapes of Wrath' you will have a recipe for greatness!"... So you get my point. I've been poked, prodded, scratched, spat on...I half expect to log in and have it say "Tom R. peed in your fridge! Did you want to pee in his tureen?" And the groups! "So and So just joined 'Watching Rocky Balboa makes me want to take on the world!'" or "Blah de Bloo just joined 'Zombie Fetishest's are Misunderstood"...


And then some MF threw a sheep at me.

Sometimes teh interwebz gets a little to weird for even me.