Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My shell phone. I admit, I wasn't as optomistic that I'd find it after my inquiry at the gym proved for naught. Actually I was partly optomistic with a chance of showers in the afternoon. But, the little bastard had merely fallen behind the tv stand where I leave it to charge. (And it was shut off, so no. I could not do the high tech search method of "using my home phone to call it and listen for the ring/buzz". That method was relegated to yesterday, when I misplaced the spotty thing a SECOND time.)

It was a loverly weekend all told. Caturday was checking out a matinee of "There Will be Frass"* followed by attending WONDERFUL dinner party for buddies at redwrights where I consumed no less than two servings of the following: Indian sliders (2) Empanada's (2) Asparagus (countless. And yes. It smelled) chicken cakes (Countless. They were sooooo good. Both kinds) And a full belly. It. Was. Awesome. (My insomnia wasn't. Up at two thirty and didn't get back down until 7. And man o' man did I have some ding bat dreams. At least it wasn't on a school night)

Sunday was also pretty chill with Moda and her mama hitting the Food and Wine experience. Afterwards we just hung out and watched the Oscar's and et. Chinese**.

Yee to the Hizzaw.

* Meh. A big fat "meh". I mean...no, the ending was a big fat over done turd. A beautifully shot movie with a man who treats his scenes like Cookie Monster treats cookies, it was just not the movie that made me go "THAT is an Oscar winner". It wasn't terrible, just kinda left me cold and a little bit ill. Like I'd feel after drinking two milkshakes. Drink it up.

**Good for everyone that won. Especially our MNsotan's. While I go back and forth with people saying that "Juno" really shouldn't have been up there (A cute little movie. Really. But folks, I hung out with Juno and her ilk in high school. We weren't trying to re-realize pop culture lexicon. We were too busy trying to act older than we were. So that's where I was left with that.)

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