Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Well fine then...

Dorajar frassed at me a minute ago regarding my significant lack of posting over the last couple of weeks. Not a whole shite ton has really happened tho', y'know? I hosted Turkey Day, has fondue night, and have spent the subsequent weeks shaking my fist at the cold.

Well that's not allllll together true.

I joined the club. Dorajar and I went for a week free trial to frassness crossroads and I was sold. It's been a incredible boost for my spirit and soul to be training again that I had forgotten how much I need a club and the equipment as motivation. My bum shoulder has been rehab-ing, it's nice not to have aching joints from running in sub zero temps, I can do back exercises, and shower next to a bunch of naked dudes. Wait...I mean we (and I do mean we) can ogle the Barbie who leads the Runner's Club while she demonstrates squats. Yeah...that's what I meant. Join a gym. I guarantee it'll be the best decision you make.

My car was in the shop again. I need a new one. That'll be an '08 project. But the shop lent me a LOVERLY '90 Celebrity to tool around in. Just...lovely.

I got cast in, then turned down "Hank V". I want to focus on "Normal", and well...yeah.

"Normal" started last night and I'm SM'ing. It's going to be great, and you'll all be vomming with how much I peemp it.

I finished "Special Topics in Calamity Physics", "The Shining", and now I'm onto "Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell". I'm booky.

I did a video shoot for work (I'm slumming) and on the way back from the studio I got ass backwards on the 35 to 62 interchange and wound up in my old neck of the woods from circa 2003-2004 when I rented a house in SW Mipples. I noticed two things: One, it's been rehabbed and two? It's for sale. I never really bought the concept of "McMansion" until I saw it.

Now: http://www.edinarealty.com/Listing/ListingDetail.aspx?Listing=20268235

You got $800K to drop, call the realtor. It was like someone plopped the Wonka Mansion in a charming stucco'ed neighborhood. The neighbor did that when I lived there and made an eyesore. When will they learn?

I'm going to be going out of town from the 21st through the 24th on a surprise trip. Then I come home to turn 33 on the day of our lord Christ. Sooooo, that means around April I kick the bucket and come back three days later for ham and mimosa's...If someone see's any Roman centurion's frassin' around Nordeast, couldya call me? I'd like to be out of town. Like, I want to be out of town when the RNC comes rollin' in.


Portana said...

So, speaking of the RNC--I work in downtown St Paul.
Oh, the joy.
I am praying for a new job by then.
Prefer OUT of the downtown St Paul area.

And thanks for posting again. I missed you!

raven said...

The inside is okay, but man, the outside is hideous. For that number of dollars, I would hope for some curb appeal.

As for the RNC...I live a little too close to downtown SP for my comfort. I'm hoping we can be magically out of town during that time.

Glad you're posting...I was worried you'd quit the blogging biz.