Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Not too terribly exciting...

But that's rehearsal for ya. Frids- Rehearse. Sats- Rehearse. Caturday night was fajita night + Planet Earth, followed by more ethic cuisine at Tin Roof and FeeJ's joint half b'day party. Happy half b'day's, pretty ladies. Many happy returns. (And I knoooooow the value of a good half b'day. IJS)

Sunday there was no rest for the weary, and I hosted a little soiree' for me family in the early afternoon. Snacks were nibbled. Baby cheeks were chewed. Old photo's were perused. And for some reason, my penchant for taking off my pants was discussed. (Many, MANY photo's of a baby P in his altogether.) I fit a workout in there (Very important, due to the copious amount of cheese consumed) and Dorajar and I ate Thai food and watched "Apocolypto"...a cheery Christmas film. I have concluded, that Mr. Gibson ain't got no momma.

Now I'm back at it- Work and Rehearse until Thursday. Leavin' on a jet plane eeeaaaaaarly Friday morning. Probably having a bloody Mary inflight.

I secondarily conclude, this to be the funniest GD article that I've read in a while:

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