Friday, December 14, 2007

Regarding Pogo-Sticks pogo-sticks:

"Instead of joyfully bouncing around in a happy-go-lucky style, the pogo stick compresses down about 9 feet, then shoots off the ground at a velocity approaching Mach 2. Surprised, and sporting a pair of rapidly browning underpants, you release your grip from the handles and try to step off. At this point the stick would inevitably carry on its ascendancy and smash you on the chin with slightly less force than the punch of a super heavyweight boxer."

I had to bury my face in my hands after I had read this. We actually had a pogo stick my mom picked up at a garage sale when we were younger. An old, kinda rusty jobby that had once sported sparkly pinkish glitter (It may have once been red) Although we were never launched to atmospheric heights, I do distinctly remember that it only went down about an inch (due to the aforementioned rust) and...well maybe it was a balance thing, but I took more than my fair share of gravelled face plants on that thing. Step up, then next foot (quickly!) force your body downward ("Reeee-KAH" was the noise. Like a bed in a fleabag hotel) Shlipah (hands OUT!)

Actually, as I just demonstrated my pogo'ing prowess to my co-worker it occurred to me that the pogo didn't even have a one inch the effect was trying to to bounce on a metal curtain rod with petals.

Picture that one.

1 comment:

momo said...

I had a pogo stick too! Loved that thing. Never once did a face plant on it. I guess I'm more graceful and boingy than you are. ;)