Wednesday, October 26, 2005

10 random things about me:

10. I'm random
9. We never shopped for clothes at "mainstream" stores. Garage Sales and relatives
8. I was in Cub/Boy Scouts until I was 16
7. I've never been fired from a job
6. I have a very high threshold of pain
5. I wrote a story about the MN Zoo opening that got in the MN Star Newspaper (Before it was the "Strib") My picture got in the newspaper, but my story didn't win. It was for the chance to feed the Beluga's. I closed my eyes.
4. I ate the "Mexican Feast" at Little Brooklyn's restaurant, which was: A Chipotle sized burrito, 3 enchilada's, and 6 hard shell taco's. (I had moobs)
3. To keep my mom from spanking me, I'd try to make her laugh.
2. My 2 favorite subjects in all schools have been English, and Social Studies (especially History)
1. Even though I love being an actor, love being on stage, and love being there for that wonderful interaction during a scene...I tend to really not care for my performances in anything I've done. This was reinforced by watching shows that were video taped. *

9 things I want to do before I die:

9. Write a book.
8. Skydive
7. Fall from a tall building into a crash mat
6. Scuba Dive
5. Be out of debt
4. Get paid a living wage to be a perfomer
3. Get married (Or not)
2. See the world
1. Try Stand-Up comedy

8 ways to win my heart/affection/respect:

8. Cast me
7. Be well-mannered and respectful
6. Don't be disrespectful/insulting/hurtful to others
5. Be cool
4. Compliment me. A lot. And be specific. (And laugh with me)
3. Think before you speak (Try to hit the edit button)
2. Have something to say, and It'd be cool if it's funny
1. Have passion in what you do

7 things I'm afraid of:

7. Failure
6. Becoming obese
5. Falling
4. Dying before I get to do the "9 Things" list
3. Hurting someone elses feelings
2. Invasive Goverment
1. Abandonment, and all of it's nasty connotations (The thought of growing old alone always scared me an awful lot.)

6 things I believe in: **

6. Unconditional Love
5. The unbelievable power of the mind- (Your attitude, Healing, your outlook- EVERYTHING!)
4. Reincarnation and Past Life experiences intruding on present times.
3. Change isn't always for the best
2. Loyalty/Honor/Chivalry. How can you not believe those are cool?
1. That things will always turn out okay. Somehow.

5 places I have lived:

5. Brooklyn Park MN
4. Medora ND
3. Park Rapids, MN (White Earth State Forest- Go MANY POINT!)
2. Deephaven, MN
1. Minneapolis MN...SW, Uptown, SE, and currently in the good ol' NE Minneapolis!

4 of my favorite items in my bedroom:

4. DVD player
3.The Bed
2. My books
1. My nightstand

3 things I do everyday:

3. Go online
2. Eat
1. Worry about my personal finances

2 things I'm trying not to do now:
2. Spend extra $
1. Be so hard on myself


tallen said...

All very good lists. I'm just working on my list of what I want to do before I'm 30... so far the list has 3 things on it. 3 things in the next year and a half isn't so bad, right?

Portana said...

Oh dear, I could list off of your lists all night my dear. BUT I think I will leave it to the following all purpose list:
Portana's top 10 things on her brain:
10. I have a bad attitude about being in Kalispell--P's mental attitude thing is correct, need to change attitude.
9. I hate shopping in Billings, it doesnt have ANY of my favorite stores (must get to big city soon-Need Express store stat!)
8. I want to travel to about 5 different places before I die (Washington DC, France, England, Germany, and a tropical island of some sort).
7. I am hoping the white sox win the series--it aint the cubs, but close enough.
6. I have a ton of things to do tonight--need to work on that whole procrastination thing.
5. I think I am too easy going--prime example. Elevator is broken at my hotel. I am on the top floor--I could have asked for a room on the 1st floor but I went "eh" and took the room assigned. Lugging my suitcase up the stairs sucked.
4. I wonder if Tech is missing me?
3. I wonder if I could live in Bozeman MT?
2. How bad did I go off budget for the month of October (again, budget=ass).
1. If it wasnt for P, I would never ponder things--thank goodness for his lists!

ugjwr=ugly jewler? Thats all I got.