Tuesday, August 23, 2005

There are days....

When my job...

Sucks ass-o-saurus rex....

And my co-workers....

Get so punchy....

They get weirder than me.

Case in point: Yesterday. Sooooo durn busy, that my eyes (at the end of the day) felt like they were going to run out of my head like they were undercooked eggs. My co-worker, hotcarl, comes over with a plastic lei...and throws it on me like a ring toss. I proceed to turn it into a garotte and try to kill myself. He, in turn, wraps it around his bicep and starts pumping his arm (All while making these Hogan-ish noises like..."Ooooooo...yeah")

Me: "You're weird"
C: "Your mom's weird."


Portana said...

Hrm, where do you work again? Insurance industry? Remind me NOT to purchase insurance from your group...he, he, he.
We love ya just the way you are P-dont ever change.

Frethem said...

Shit man... I didn't know you had the power to convert people to Postleisem.

Tbe idea of more than one of you running around? Scarier than your Mom.