Thursday, August 04, 2005


Sc: Int.
(A dark, smoky room. Seated around a large table, is a group of well dressed...powerful looking men and women. The scene could be taken from the "Godfather". Standing behind these men are their individual bodyguards. An older Sicillian man at the head of the table, breathes heavy. He is dressed in a dark, pinstripe suit- a fedora sits next to a glass of water in front of him. He stands to address the table. The camera does a slow pan on all of those seated.)

M.D: "Friends of the family, I welcome youse to this impromptu meeting. I would also like to extend my appreciation to alls of youse for taking times out of what are certainly very busy schedules. Particularly to those who've come the farthest: Don Nicholo, Don Vannici....Don Ciccio, Don Davanni's, Don Johnson, Donny Osmond, Donna Summers, Dawn Wells...."

That just popped in there during my meeting this morning. Made me laugh anyway.
See Portlana? It is a strange place in there.


Portana said...

I wish I knew some hollywood writers so I could pass on your blog to them. I think your writings are script worthy. Unfortunately, I only know historical writers...not so much help.

Anonymous said...

so... ya comin' to see Corleone this evenin'?! speaking of the don's... should be a good show - and I'm running it tonight, wish me luck (I'll actually need it for the fabulous show that is making me change out 6 different CDs for a one hour show, that we really don't even know if it's an hour long cuz they didn't even get a run in at their tech


P said...

Awwww shucks Portana. Truth is, the moment someone would ask me to write something I'd freeze up like a Klondike Bar. (Still trying to get my dad to pen his flippin' memoirs, y'know?)

And T-Bone? Of course I'm going to try and see it. I think it is one of 4 shows that I'm gonna make a sincere effort to check out. (If I can actually get in. I love the fact that the shows are selling out like they do, I just hate the fact that I can never seem to get into any of 'em.)

Anonymous said...

If you catch the show when I'm there... I might have a lap you could sit on ;-) the booth is awfully small...