Friday, August 26, 2005

Tag, y'all

Just a thought (brought about by a typo) Wouldn't be funny if it was called "bloffing" instead of blogging?

"7 Things" Time along, playa's

Seven things you plan to do before you die: (1) Travel extensively overseas, (2)Get married, (3)Sell my house and buy a new one, (4) Learn to tap dance-well, (5) Get my black belt, (6) Buy a new car, (7) Be "Debt free"

Seven things you can't do: (1) Drive a stick (Not very well. I'll grind your clutch out), (2)Stay on task (easily distracted), (3)The complete sideways split, (4) Save $, (5)Brecht, (6)Sing "Pop" music, (7) Be serious all the time

Seven things you can do:(1) Jump spin wheel kick, (2) Cook and Clean (3) Make you laugh (4) Stand up in front of a lot of people and not wet my pants (5) Say "Hello" and various other dumb phrases in foreign languages (6) Really good impersonations- and not just of celebrities (7) Drink my weight in Pinot Grigio.

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex (1) Sense of humor, (2) A bit of danger [Not "dangerous" per se, rather something personality-wise that is adventurous] (3) a little crazy. It keeps things interesting (4) Open Minded (5) takes care of themselves. They don't have to be fitness goddesses, but at least care (6) Flattery. Say something nice and I'll follow you anywhere (7) Toucher. ['specially themselves....WHOOPS!] Being unafraid to make physical contact says a lot about a person.

I was gonna say "Good teeth" but I think that fits under #5

Seven things you say most: (1) I love you (2) brilliant (3) fuck (4) my pleasure (5) not a problem/no worries (6) please/thank you/your welcome (7) The bottom line is...

Seven celebrity crushes: (1) Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas (2) Jennifer Connelly circa "The Rocketeer" (3) Gwen Stefani (4) Jessica Biel [A cop out, for sure] (5) Angelina Jolie [Another one, I know] (6) Salma Hayek (7) That chick that played Monique in "Better off Dead". Lane Meyer could have SO spent more time with her.

Seven people you want to take this quiz: Doi. Nanook, Redwright, Geef, Kaiser, Portana, Tallen, Ry-Gonn, G-7 and his Weef (The Raver) Butterfly Girl and whoever else wants to get their jollies being distracted.

Take My QUIZ!!!!


Portana said...

Seven things you plan to do before you die (I am borrowing some P): (1) Travel (2)Own and ride my own Harley (3)Sell my house and buy a new one, (4) Land a main character part in a show (5)get some touch ups done on the old bod (yes I am vain and refuse to grow old gracefully) (6)win the lottery (soon I hope) (7) Be "Debt free" again (was there once)
Seven things you can't do: (1) roll my r's (like ze spanish do) (2) skydive (I just dont have that in me)(3)look at those 3-D posters and see the other image in it (never have, probably never will) (4)have an affair with a married man (just not in me either) (5)live in Phoenix AZ (not gonna do it) (6)Sing lead in a musical (until they write one for an Alto, I am doomed to the choir), (7) immitate people
Seven things you can do:(1) make mean bake goods (2) professionally clean your house (I used to do that for a living you know)(3) speak in front of 1,000's of people and not bat an eyelash (4)ride motorcycles (5) read your palm (6) coordinate any social function you give me (7) run a marathon
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex (again stealing from P on some) (1) Intellegence, (2) sharp wit (3)eyes and ass (4) genuine happiness from them (5) takes care of themselves. They don't have to be fitness god, but at least care (6) make me laugh (7) self assured
Seven things you say most: (1) Not so much (2) whats up with that (3) ya think (4) hmmm, interesting(5)hey you (6) please/thank you/your welcome (7) whatever
Seven celebrity crushes: (1) Rob Thomas (singer of Matchbox 20 (2) Harrison Ford as Han Solo (3) Kevin Costner in Bull Durham (4) John Cusack (5)Michael J Fox as Alex P Keaton (6)Jon Bon Jovi (7)The male cast of Oceans 11 (mmm, nummy)
Seven people you want to take this quiz: Tech, Hemp, P (but he already took it), G, Kaiser, Nitefire (Jewel) and Ru Girl. And whomever else would like to share!

P said...

Mother, if you lost 25 lbs I'd fear a stiff wind would blow you away.

Portana- Seriously, I have never been able to see crapola when I look at those things. I resolved after my first attempt (circa 1994) that it would also be my last attempt. Those things are the DEVIL!

Frethem said...

Seven things you plan to do before you die: (1) Be my own boss (2) Go to Asia (3) Win a major poker tournament (4) run for public office (5) own an exotic sports car (6) Live in a state other than MN (7) Watch the Vikings win the Superbowl
Seven things you can't do: (1) Go to bed before midnight (2) Play Tennis (3) Stay commited to one hobby for more than a year (4) Budget Wisely (5) lose my competitiveness (6) a backflip (7) keep my mouth shut
Seven things you can do: (1) bullshit (2) work on computers (3) tell you the name of every single player on the Vikings and what position they play (4) bowl consitantly over 150 (5) give a mean footrub (so I'm told) (6) make a mean Grilled Cheese (So I'm told... didn't realise there was an art to it) (7) Flirt
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex: (1) Smile (2) Sense of Humor (3) Has to believe or feel strongly about something (4) has to have dreams (5) curves (6) self preservation (7) Sassy.
Seven things you say most: (1) Your Mom (2) Whatever (3) Really? (4) A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part (5) Yes, I'll have another beer (6) All in (7) Thank you
Seven Celeb crushes: (1) Moti-pass girl from 5th element (2) Kira Knightly (3) Elizabeth Hurley (4) Mandy Moore (5) The south african woman who acts at the Guthrie (6) Selma Hiyack (7) Jennifer Aniston

tallen said...

Seven things I plan to do before I die: 1) skydive 2) learn to drive a motorcycle {recently decided those two are gonna happen before I turn 30} 3) have at least one child 4) go to New Zealand again 5) get the piano tuned 6) teach skating again 7) go to France
Seven things I can't do: 1) keep a plant alive 2) keep my house spotless 3) any triple jumps 4) vote 5) give up theatre 6) give up skating 7) accept that bad things are ultimate
Seven things I can do:1) program moving lights 2) speak Spanish pretty well 3) a flying cammel 4) move to and work in New Zealand any time I wanna 5) drive a stick 6) install a new light fixture 7) snowboard, poorly
Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:1) confidence 2) eyes 3) pecks & arms 4) sense of humor 5) talent {in whatever their field is} 6) openness to new experiences 7) positive attitude
Seven things I say the most:1) love you 2) gsl, this is me... how can I help you? 3) no worries 4) sure 5) oky 6) please 7) thanks
Seven celebrity crushes: there is only one... the Vin!