Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hmmm 2, Electric Boogaloo

So, this'll mark callback numero four that I didn't land a gig. Oh for Four. Do not despair, gentle readers, as there are a coupla things to consider before y'all click away to sights perverted:

I ain't trippin. Why I am not, said, trippin', is largely due to the fact that I do the following:

  1. I know if I've "landed" a gig. Everything else, I just don't assume or rely that I'm gonna get it. I think, in my life, I've only been certain 100% that I got cast in something. Everything else, is up to another person. And I have enough problems thinking for myself than having to worry about what the director is thinking. (And, it lowers the level of disappointment, btw)
  2. I don't, in my brain, pre-cast. (This also alludes to Bruce Lee's ethos: "Never assume the outcome of any fight- One must move, and accept every move that comes at them as it happens"- The Tao of Jeet Kune Do) I'm not one of those dudes that looks around the room and thinks "Well, if I played this and they played that, blah blah blah." Why would you do that to yourself? Focus on your job.
  3. I pick what gigs I am willing to accept. J gave me that advice a while back (Well, it's actually her ethos...but I kiped it and it has worked for me since.) If you don't feel strongly about what you are auditioning for/getting cast in: Why do it? And that's that- Same with the whole "Taking every gig you are offered" argument. You could wind up cast in some really bad experiences.
  4. I don't question the directors choices. I was tossing back cocktails one summer and conversatin' with some local unknown director who gave me the low down on how he casts- If they got someone else in mind, they're gonna go that way. Period.
  5. It's a waste of time to be pissy about not being cast. You all know my feelings on wasting time. Seriously, even if you work your ass off for an audition- It doesn't behoove you to be the actor that whines because you immediately invalidate the work you put into the audition. Like building a sandcastle with your single intent of knocking it down again. "I don't understand whhhyyyy I wasn't considered for the role it was peeerrrfect for meeeee" Or some such nonsense. Phooey.
  6. There'll be other gigs. Doi.
  7. I gots puh-lenty of other shite to do. Seriously, the downstairs terlet backed up. I gotta fix that fucker.
  8. I should think about trying stand up comedy. Maybe, Eug and Ryan...Maybe.
  9. Maybe you should get to the dojo more than 1-2 X's a week? Yes, sensei.
  10. Maybe you should try to get into better shape for your Vega$ trip? (I was pretty, how can you say, thick, last year. Or as my friend Ry said "Were you like, 200? I mean, 190?" Thanks.)
  11. Maybe I could try writing....

So yeah. No worries. I'll see y'all at the next one. Just so long as it doesn't interfere with wedding plans. ; )

ps: And, really this is a common sense thing I feel- If you don't get cast, don't lambast. And if you've lambasted in the past...don't bother showing up. Over, you'll be passed. (How someone thinks that they can....well, let's just say people need to activate brain before engaging mouth. Or typing fingers.)

pps: I called the ol' agent to report my hours on the overnight shoot...and landed a stoopid audition. Weird, that.

ppps: There is always Pinot Grigio.


Frethem said...

PPPS: Take up Poker... it'll eat up your life.

PPPPS: Just quit theatre entirely... or at least see how long you last from quitting theatre enitrely. How long you give me P?

P said...

Quit Theatre? 'Kaaaaaay...Sounds like you're pulling a Berg-Lilly.
(snerk) Just take a break, man.

And I am highly suspect that it won't last more than 2-3 months. Less, even.

And poker, schmoker. I hate dem cards.