Thursday, December 31, 2015

End of...a very long year.

I'm finding it hard to sum up 2015 concisely, since the primary focus (which I'm naturally, quite happy about.) for approximately 2/3rds of it was:


You're hearing this guy in your head, aren't you

I proposed back in January, and from there it was a whirlwind of planning, trips to see dear friends on the West Coast, another stay in Vegas, another St. Patty's 7K, more wedding planning, seeing some theater and some great movies, more work, more podcasting, more work at the Caves, more more KARATE!  By late June, I had my black belt.

Pictured:  The self-defense portion of my test.

So that was a long time coming.  Meanwhile, there were cabin trips, road trips to visit my girl when  it was her turn to be up in the Midge at the PBP, re-acquainting with old friends, bachelor parties, MOAR trips to Vegas (for work, no less.), my first BIG GAY MARRIAGE of my best friend, work stress, Halloween madness, Thanksgiving at my in-laws, out of town trips with buddies, visits from out of town guests, a little movie about the War in the Stars, the in-laws adopting a doggie, annnnnnnnd the Holidays.

But with all that, came a lot of stress-balling.  With stress comes exhaustion- we slept through a majority of our honeymoon, I ended up with some boo-too neck and back problems along with my general aches and pains from so much kung-fu'ing.  Mom's still illin', to the point where the big C is almost on the back burner as her body heals.  There've been some terrible, terrible losses this year, seeing some dear friends depart who were just too, too young.  We've had other close friends move away, other friends who are in pain or struggling a lot, and some pretty turrible tragedies throughout the world and the nation that can break your heart.

And good Gods...the talking political heads...I'm not naming names, but the normal shit show has turned into something frightdiculous to hear and behold.

Seriously.  Between the Pyramid grain silos, Xenophobia/Racism, and playground antics...I'm shutting down, kids.

So...I'm not gonna talk about that stuff, aka my bullshit resolutions that I never follow, or my silly plans for the upcoming year...all that I'm gonna try to keep loose so I don't feel disappointed.  Yes, there'll be races and karate and a full honeymoon overseas, and helping mom, and projects and visits to Camp Awesome and the Finch Nest in 'Sconnie and new friends in the neighborhood and all that.

But if you're a regular reader of this here blog, or a new reader, or just someone who doesn't mind seeing another regular Joe's take on naivety/wishful thinking...take heart:

I have a big wish for the people in my sphere.  Worldwide or nationwide, really.  But I'd be just as happy if this happened on a smaller scale and rippled outward.  2016 is an election year, and since I tend to be an anticipater of vertain events, I don't think that it's too far-fetched to believe this year is also going to be a pretty rough/less unifying one along with more and more hurtful division.  (Yes.  The present GOP and NRA are big fucking problems.)

Within the last few weeks, I've heard some people on social media as well as here at work say they don't like talking to their neighbors or avoid it outright.  So my wish is for kindness.  I wish for thoughtfulness.  I wish for people to reach out to people.  Engage.  The cashier.  The stranger.  The neighbor.  The family.  Without pause or question.  Make yourself available to the world.  Don't turn your back on others, which is like turning your back on life.  Don't worry.  Be amazed at people being shocked by being forward and bold and generous with it.

Allow yourself to find new opportunities and not lament what you don't have- because you probably have more than you think.  Which is probably impossible.  Because I'd be asking for people to log off Facebook and turn off the TV.  But I think that's an optimistic wish.  And after a pretty hectic year, I think people can get back in touch with being kind again.

Bring it, 2016.  I'm in martial spirits, chauffeuring my mom for New Year's, have gigs and travel plans, and a supportive and loving spouse.  Let's just get that blood pressure and cholesterol down and we're solid.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Today, social media has been choc-a-bloc full of stories about people's 1st experience seeing Star Wars.  I feel like I've told *everyone* who will listen to my experiences with the universe Lucas spun out (and his wife loomed into a cohesive story, natch.).  3.  I was nearly 4 when we went to the old Brookdale Cinema (which became a Kohl's) and, if my folks recollection is to be believed, sat through it.  Twice.*

From there, we gobbled up everything Star Wars.  The accompanying picture-book and reel-to-reels from the Hennepin County Library with the images of Luke's best friend who didn't make it in the theatrical cut- and who eventually became the nick-namesake of my big brother.  We had the over sized comic book, sheets, posters, glasses from Burger King, and naturally...lots and lots of action figures.

The chasm between the films seem massive, and as soon as we could we were saving proof-of-purchases from the boxes so we could send away for "Bossk", and the mystery figure who would become Boba Fett. (My god, the rumor that his jetpack could FIRE A MISSLE?  Only to hear urban legends of choking hazards and stripping our fingers trying to get it out.)  When the "Empire" magazine came out, we were treated to behind the scenes images from the new movie.  Wintry landscapes?  Luke uses his lightsaber?  And our first word of the rumor...that you'd SEE Darth Vader with his MASK OFF...and the playground rumor mill was that it was SO GROSS that people were THROWING UP!!!

We waited in line for what felt like FOREVER outside of this theater in B.C.

And our minds were blown.  From there, we started making playsets since the number of toys were getting to be prohibitive for my mom to keep up with...

Look, the point is- like EVERYONE the Star Wars films have been ingrained in my DNA.  In our guts.  It's why we have imagination- running around with flashlight/lightsabers...turning the 'Bago into the Falcon.  It's where I first saw loss and the possibility of return, how irredeemable people can turn into your best friend, how bad guys are so much more complicated.

Even as a big kid.  How *hasn't* being in karate, or kendo, or fencing, or anything been influenced by what we saw as kids.  How it was important to be a *good* guy.  How it's a bad idea to get stuck in a garbage chute with a dianoga?  To have faith in something you can't see.  I'm not entirely unsurprised our folks pulled us out of church not too long afterwards.  (There were some extenuating circumstances, but it's fun to think it's because The Force was strong in our family.)

So I've been going to midnight showings of Star Wars since about 1980 or so.  And the last time was in 2005 (where I blogged about it) with a group of like minded geeks who all cheered as soon as "A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..." came on screen.  And tonight, I'll be going early early with one of the members of that group.  And am hoping the nostalgia will make me feel a fraction of my age.

May the Force be with all 4 of my readers.  And enjoy your first screenings.  I'm betting I'mma go back and see it again.

*During Father's Day, many years ago, I was having lunch at my brother's house where he was hosting with his wife and we all (Mom, Ro, his weef, and I) matriculated into the TV room since there was a showing of "Star Wars" on channel 9.  Dad meandered in while we were all zombie-ing out, and he muttered: "God dammit.  I should have NEVER taken you boys to see that movie..."