Thursday, September 26, 2013

Theater Prom- Where you can be kind of a big deal

It was recently brought to my attention that "prom was overrated".  On the contrary, I seem to remember it being a fairly serious affair.  Clearly.  I mean I liked it enough to grind through 6 x's. (Missing: PC Prom '93 aka "Too much fake-bakin'")

Note/Study Guide for "Normal folk"- Theater Prom is the jokey nickname given to the annual Twin Cities Theater recognition ceremony that I've attended since the inaugural year in 2005.  It's a chance for theater-folk to gussy up in their finery (In my case a welcome change from only having the opportunity to use those nice outfits for on-camera auditions or independent film-shoot wardrobes), schmooze, walk a red carpet, see buddies get an award that resembles a lava lamp, and drink.   Not always in that order.

Over the years, I've vascillated between treating this like a must-attend event to preferring a Monday night to myself on the couch with box wine and take-out.  I've retired the concept of tuxing-out ala' prom to wearing more comfortable fare- as many friends have done as well.  (A common kvetch is how your feet effing KILL by the end of the night*.)  Anyway, rather than bore y'all with a recitive of the night (I started off f#ck all crabby which could be attributed to my desire to tie my own bow-tie**.  I got better.)  I'd like to relay a funny interaction I had with a guy at the post-party who had abbbbbsolutely nothing to do with the Award ceremony and gave me a fantastic laugh/ego-boost.  To you, friend, I'd like to extend my gratitude.  I'm not gunning for an Ivey any time soon and get overwhelmed when I'm in crowds, but you made me feel like a winner.

Gettin' you picture taken hack:  Bring a good looking date, and hide behind her head to mask your abnormal number of chins.  Hack #2- colorful ties pull focus, and if you tie it yourself you'll manage a few compliments.

A Conversation At The Ivey's Understaffed Post-Party Hotel Bar, where Mikey Makes a Friend:

(Drunk guest on the bar stool next to me) Are you wish these people?
(Me- Sober***) I am!
(DGoBSNTM) So you're wish the Ivy Feshtival?
(Me- starts to laugh.  Then laugh harder.  Then I stop b/c I'm thinking I'll look rude.)  Yes I am.  I take it you're not?
(DGoBSNTM) Nope.  New York City.
(Me) Oh yeah?  I'm Mike.
(Greg) Greg. 
We shake hands and have a laugh.  I give my briefest explanation that it's kiiiinda like the Tony's, the correct name ("Ivey Awards"/"Shorry"/"Nope.  It was awesome."), and why everyone is dressed up.


(Greg) So you look important.
(Mikey) Sorry?
(Greg) You look like someone important here.
(Me) Nope.
(Greg) Naw.  I mean it.  You've been hangin' around these beautiful wimmin all night.  I jus' saw you kiss that one a minnut ago (gestures towards my date), you bin' talkin' and kissin' on a couple over there an'...

(At this point, my friend Colleen- who looked fantastic, btw- comes over for a hullo smooch and hug)

(Greg) SEE!
(Me) It's theater prom, man.  It's fun to get a little lubricated and play dress up for a change.  We're lovey people.  It's like a family reunion, you know?  We're not all workin--
(Greg) It LOOKS fun.
(Greg) Well good for you, Mark (He Drunk).  I still shay you look like someone important.
(Me) If it matters, I had a guy help me with my tie.

And there was some more hearty laughter as I excused myself after we shook hands and stated how nice it was to meet one and other.

In short- If you're involved in theater in the Twin Cities and trip on a banana peel and "accidentally" read this?  I'm kind of a big deal.

*I opted for my red Chuck Taylor' "Dwight" from "Sin City".

**Someone got frassy with me about telling them where certain parts of my ensemble came from, but I was hella proud.  And I didn't put too much thought into it, except for one day I was out shopping and thought a self-tied bow-tie might be a nice touch.  And that was really the only expense to my outfit.  (Which my s.o. picked out with the stipulation that it'd be great if it matched my Chuck's.)  Black blazer, checkered shirt from Nordstrom- AND PROCURED at the Goodwill in Minnetonka in addition to my lucky blue jeans.   In fact, the only other cost revolved around getting my watch battery replaced.

This was a great, comfortable outfit.  And when the charming lesbian couple sat down next to us at the start of the show, the woman next to me pointed out how we were wearing the exact same outfit.  Look up on's section on the 2013 red carpet.  They up there.

***A lot of hoy-palloy has been made of the slow service.  It's true, on average it took 25-30 minutes to get someone's attention- and because I can't do the hard stuff without tummy repercussions I opted out of bringing a flask.  The issue was, LAST year there were plenty of mini-bars and places to order up and cop a squat.  THIS year it was almost designed to get the crowd to disperse quickly.  (Including an 11:45 pm "Last Call")

1 comment:

Cryss said...

Thanks for writing again! I will look forward to many more installments!