Thursday, October 07, 2010

Case of the runs...

So 2010 is clearly the year of the race. The last post I made about running was somewhere post half-marathon and in spite of thinking it'd be a one-time thing I ended up participating in a crap-ton more races. With July being a clear winner in terms of number of runs.

July 3rd was a 10K around Lake Harriet. We had a large number of buddy participants and while I PR'ed I also started cramping up pretty hard toward the end of the second loop. I put on speed when the finish was near and ended up almost throwing up and the guy who smoked past me.

We volunteered at the Red, White, and Boom the next day. I ended up meeting some folks who Moda was getting to know on the local running forums. Volunteering at water stops etc. creates good "race karma" I'm told. Unloading the 7 trucks on a 98 degree day creates a lot of perspiration. And the wetness doesn't end- We headed over to the water stop to set up and ended up getting drenched in a monsoon. (We wore garbage bags as makeshift rain suits) Still, this is the first race I'd ever watched and it's great to feel the appreciation from the runners.

July 21st was the Aquatennial 5K. I PR'ed and had a Jabasian running partner which was swell. It was a big frassy mess of people and instead of waiting in line for the free beers we all moseyed over to the Bulldog. Yahoo. I also realized that I wear a "race costume". This is my theme. And I love it.

The Villagefest 5K was on August 7th and by this point we had registered for the Mud Run. Dangler and FeeJ ran this one with me and finished with extremely respectable times. For my part, I did not throw up. And finished with a new PR.

It's around here that I want to note that running has become steadily easier. We had some bitchin' trail runs that were a pain in the ass when it got so hot it felt like you were breathing soup. (Afton was mostly trail hike/run. And I mentioned Hyland being our first epic trail run) But now when we get outside, going 5 or 6 miles is light. This was coming off our first 10K where crossing the street afterwards was treacherous. Now going 2-3 days without running makes me feel sluggish. I'm still a pudgy puffy pancake, but I'm liking the way my legs are feeling/looking. For real.

The final test run we went on prior to the Mud Run was the Victory 10/5K on Labor Day. Mo smoked us (of course) Dangler smoked me wearing his race costume (Or as I call it "Business Casual Fitness" Khaki shorts? Really?) And FeeJ and I plopped in w/our own PRs that were sub-60. (A goal I desperately wanted) Almost puked. Didn't. Yahoo again.

Finally...the gawdamn Mud Run. That warrants a post to itself. And pictures. Jesus.

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