Thursday, October 20, 2005

This'll make less sense/Brother Cool

An excerpt from last nights audition: (Followed by observations...observe)

(2 brothers enter, and bow towards the director)
P: "Brother, how good to see you- now why are you here?"
Ro: "To audition for this show. A role mom says I was born to play"
P: "Ahhhh, so. But did mom give you a permission slip to drive in downtown Minneapolis?"
Ro: ""I, ah, ummmm....she always did like you better- I'm gonna settle this NOW!"

Ro runs towards P, throwing an almost simultaneous punch/front kick. P counters with a high wrist block (Think blocking high with a limp wrist...snerk) and comes down with a palm block for his kick. Ro's next block is countered again with a circle block followed by a double palm strike to his solar plexus

P: "HHHHAAAAADOOOOOKEN!!!" (Yes. Hadoken. From the Street Fighter video game. We're geeks)

Ro pops up to do a posey "Plus 4 lightening kicks" basic kicking a lot on the same leg. P yawns.

Ro attacks again (pissed at my boredom) with a flying Muay Thai elbow strike. P and Ro then engage in a elbow/brush block exercise. This continues about 5 or 6 times before....

Ro: "This blocking drill is both pointless and my kicks" (pushes away, winds up with an old fashioned "Popeye" punch) "HHHiiiiah!"
(Mikey blocks with "X-Block")

Ro: (Changing his punch into flat-palmed straight-pointed fingers) "PokeMON!"

P: "Pokey-Who"?

Ro: "Pokey YOU!" (Ro thrusts spearhand into P's throat. It is here, that Ro's self control diminishes slightly, and I feel his fingernails poke my chin) P falls to the floor...choking and slapping the ground, ala' pro wrestling.

Ro: (Doing a little victory dance, starts kissing his arms like Ron Burgundy) "Yes, Yes...I love you. Little pretty baby. Are you good? ARE good"

P stands up, does a flourish-y disrobe of his gi top and discards it. P is now standing in a Tank Top- He "tastes his own blood" Like Mr. Lee would do in his movies...then does another grandstandy kung fu arm move into this kinda pose: "The Constipated Van Damme"

Ro: "Damn you and your free weights"

P and Ro back away from each other. P preps both of them by throwing a back leg round kick. Which leads into our "Simultaneous attack"

Ro runs at me, executes a jumping side kick/I run at him, doing 2 tornado kicks and an "Ax Kick" to finish.

Ro: "Wait, there is one more this combination" He punches. P does a circle block of his punch, followed by an elbow to the temple, punch to the groin, and lastly (my favorite) a jump spin hook kick.

Ro gets up again, setting up "Capoeria Combo"

Ro: "I will now try to destroy you, using 'the rhythm of the night'!"
P: "I have also studied El DeBarge!"

Ro sticks an Au Chibara (One handed handstand where you kick over your head simulatneously)

P:"Oooooo, fancypants"

P attacks. Throws one punch but (GASP) Ro traps it. Trys the other arm punch but (GASP) Ro traps that one....He jumps up and WHAMMO head butt to P...sending me spiralling.

Yes, that was the move bogarted from the Matrix tunnel fight. Look for it.

Ro: (Walking over to "finish it"...gloating) "Heh HA HA HA!" P, on the ground, get's him with a groin kick. Ro topples in pain.

P gets up doing a helicopter spin, Ro does a kip up.

We finish with some more honky dialogue about the movie "Road House" then get each other in that corny "throat rip-out" pose that Swayze does. We "Rip out each others throats" simultaneously...then die.



tallen said...

I wanna see that! OMG... I wanna see that!

a double "D" mug
and a "J" cup

P said...

It was fun. And only a couple of abrasions (on me) and possible hyperextensions (on him) to claim as our injury.

Double D mug?
J cup?

The mind reeeeels. ; 0

tallen said...

I'd say that "DD" is a lil' bit more than a cup... so a mug seems like an appropriate solution! Although - the idea of a "J" cup... I'm just guessing it wouldn't be a teacup... that's all I'm gonna say about that.

P said...

Boobies. That's all I'm gonna say about that...


P said...


Tit-Bitty. Ugh, ENOUGH with the "rack-references"!!!