Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fit Bit for a Batty Fatty

"You have huge fingers"- Big Brother Ro

So let's see...

In the last six point five months, I've switched my position on going for walks on my breaks and lunches versus staying stationary for 8+ hours a day.  I've stopped eating out/dining at buffets 2-3 x's a week and am eating fruits and veggies and keeping my calories down and counted via MyFitnesspal.  I'm at karate and fighting 3-4 x's a week and on track to get my black belt in June.  And I've recently (after my last weigh-in which...uh...didn't go so great.) started getting my running miles and resistance/weight work up again.  (Seriously.  After not having worked out my chest/back outside of push-ups for 6 months, I'm terrified at the lactic acid pain to come.)
Seriously.  I haven't been on a bench since I rejoined my gym last October.

And so now I have a FitBit.  The same device I had previously made fun of other friends (and my fiancée') about.   (To my friends: "Have you ever wore it while having sex to count the steps/calories?" To my fiancée: "Can you wear it while we have sex to count the steps/calories?!"...hey.  Everyone has their kinks.)  Now, I am one of the unwashed smug masses with their rubbery wristbands with Cylon-like blinky light gauge.
My face, whenever people used to talk about Fit Bits, Power-walking,  CrossFit, Kale, Organics, Mixed-Martial Arts, Fasting, etc etc...see where I'm going?

For those who don't know, basically the Fit Bit tracks your steps during the day.  (So it's a pedometer? Yes.  And no.)  When you hit a "steps" landmark, a light blinks on.  When you surpass 10,000 steps it buzzes. And...look, here's what's what:  It holds you accountable.  That's important.

Like I learned last Fall, sitting on your ass all day then going for a run isn't going to cut it in the long term.  Why 10,000 steps?  Well, scientifically that was an arbitrary figure.  The CDC recommends 7,000-8,000 of brisk walking (150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week) and the bottom line it's to make sure you don't remain sedentary for extended periods- which leads to circulatory/coronary issues.  Gotta pump the bellows or the fire goes out, dig?
Ring my beeelllllllll...ring my bell.

"But Mikey?  Doesn't your Iphone (prounced like "Hyphen") come with a built in device that does the same thing?"  The app with the little heart?  Well, what I've learned since my fiancée surprised me with the Bit is that it does measure steps, while I'm pretty sure the metrics measured on my phone is more in tune with stride.  (I tried it jogging in place and pacing around my Kitchen/Dining/Living Room.  The Fat Bat caught every step.) Anyway, I was all "I'm walking 5 miles a day at work!"  and it's more like 3 plus change.  And trust me, I make it a point to walk a lot.
Look, I've at least stopped posting ad nauseum about running and shit. I'm walking at work now, walking's cool.

It also gauges sleep (a fellow co-worker finds that to be horseshit, but based on the past few night's I've wore it to bed I'd probably agree) and the app/website let's you set weight loss goals, track activities, track food/calories...Look, I already ditched Dailymile so I think I'm sticking with MapMyRun to gauge activity and MyFitnessPal for my foods.  So, all that being said...why did you feel like you were stuck?  Wellllll...that's the last hurdle for buddies.  See, I?  I, am a man who drinks.

Without getting into the particulars that you already know, I've been saying it for months and I just need to chillax and do it.  I'm gonna give up the booze for a minute.  Meaning I'mma try going through the Summer without having my daily "pop".  (I can drain a lot of pinot noir, kids.  And with a bottle being over 400 calories?  Yeah.  Don't need it.)  AND I have engagement pictures coming up and that'll just give me a puffy face.  AND doctor visits.  AND it helps you sleep better!

AND really?  I won't beat myself up.  It's Summer, and camp Awesome is where folks go to have fun.  So, y'know, for those late Summer nights of skinny dipping?  Hopefully there'll be a lot less of me to see.  A lot. Less.

In short, Fit Bit.  It's fun for buddies and makes you feel guilty for not moving your butt.  Let's go streaking.
You're welcome